Powerful dreams
Crazy dreams plague my sleep most nights. Some would make for quite the action movie and others fit more under the category of drama - rich with characters and depth of emotion. I often awake exhausted, having to convince myself that it was not real because of the intensity of emotions and the vivid portrayal of the events I experience through the dream.
It is sometimes easy to trace the dream back to thoughts or conversations earlier in the day that trigger a dream with certain content, but at other times, the dream seems to come out of nowhere - possibly an untapped portion of my subconscious that reveals itself in a dream.
If it is a pleasant dream, I wish I could stay in that state of semi-consciousness so that I can extend the life of the dream, spend more time with the people there, dwell a bit longer in the joy and emotion of the moment. At other times, I am more-than-ready to awaken and snap out of the dark intensity of the dream. What becomes important is the reminder that it is only a dream and, as such, should not cloud my perception of reality.
The question I pose to you on this Wake-up Wednesday is this: Is there a dream that you are letting cloud your perception of reality? One you need to let go of and give over to God?
Writing Jesus a Love Letter
I love hot tea. I love a majestic view of the mountains. I love the peaceful sound of water. I love cooking. I love my family. I love Jesus. All different kinds of love.
During the past weekend at the Ladies' Retreat in Juneau, Alaska, we focused on "Falling in Love with Jesus." There were classes taught, discussions in small groups, and quiet time. During the quiet time, I suggested the ladies write a love letter to Jesus.
It can be hard to think of Jesus in that way, but they rose to the challenge and it became an emotional experience for several of the ladies.
When we love Jesus with passion, over time, our love transforms into a mature love and our relationship grows and deepens.
On this Transformational Tuesday, I invite you to write a love letter to Jesus - to love Him with passion and maturity.