Happy Anniversary!
Today is my parents’ 38th anniversary. I may not be able to verbally wish them a Happy Anniversary today, but please join me in celebrating their years of faithfulness to each other and to God.
Happy Anniversary, David & Jocelynn Goff!
Transformational Tuesday
(Guest blog post by Kimberly Edwards, Michelle J. Goff’s sister, and IRSM Board Secretary)
For those of you following the blog each week or even each day, we thank you for sharing in part of this ministry. We are hoping that as we pray for and encourage our readers, our readers will pray for and encourage others and that it will become a transformation across the globe, bringing many to know the love of Christ. My prayer for today is that we strive towards transforming our circumstances with prayer. Whether good or bad, easy or hard, God has given us today, it is up to us how we handle it.