Faith put into practice daily
The testing of our faith produces perseverance (James 1:3), but sometimes we never see the full fruit of our faith (Hebrews 11:39-40).
What does it mean to exercise our faith or put it into daily practice?
Exercising our faith isn’t just about the times in which our faith is tested or we are asked to defend our faith. The daily act of living out our faith is also seen in the acts of worship, prayer, Bible reading, quiet time with God, meditation, fellowship with other Christians, and so much more. These acts of faith serve as a reminder to ourselves of what our faith is based on.
We are forgetful beings. And if we do not put our faith in action, participate in the daily reminders of our faith, our faith dies (James 2:26). It is not these deeds that create our faith, but they do strengthen and renew our faith.
On this Transformational Tuesday, let’s transform the expression of our faith into a daily reminder of who we are and what we believe – a daily dedication to prayer, Scripture reading, worship, fellowship with other Christians, etc.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)
Faith, as the author of Hebrews defines it, is based on things that we cannot see or tangibly know to be true. We believe them to be true and trust that we can place our hope in God and His truths found in Scripture.
However, what happens when our faith waivers – when we start to focus on what we can see and not on things eternal? Is it because we are not exercising our faith and keeping it in the forefront of our minds?
How many of you studied a 2nd language in school? How much do you remember of that language? There is an expression I have often quoted to those whom I have taught Spanish. “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” This is not only true of a 2nd language, but is also true of our faith.
If we do not exercise our faith and keep it at the forefront of our minds, we will lose it. We will lose faith in He who is faithful and we will become less certain of what we hope for and less sure of what we do not see.
My encouragement to you on this Makeover Monday is to exercise your faith. Take a moment to remind yourself of some of the basic truths on which you place your faith.