Be still and know that He is God.
Cease striving.
Stop fighting.
Psalm 46:10 expresses each of these sentiments.
God is in control. And if we will be still, cease striving, and stop fighting, we will know and remember that He is God.
However, my spirit is far from still this evening. I feel anxious. Questioning. Doubtful.
Focused on listening to the Father’s voice, I have been disturbed by some of what I hear. Have I been so focused on my own thoughts and driven by my own desires—an interpretation of what I think God’s will is for my life—that I have ceased listening?
Henri Nouwen said, “How sad it is that thinking often makes prayers cease.”
And prayer is listening as much or more than speaking.
So I will be still. I will cease striving. I will stop fighting the war within me. I will listen.
And I will KNOW that He is God.
This weekend, the theme for the Downtown Church of Christ is Be Still and Know.
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Be Still and Know
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