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Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Written by Rebeca Martinez:
Throughout my Christian life God has shown me on many occasions that there is nothing impossible for him. He has shown me that he is aware of the smallest detail in my life; that he is aware of my dreams and desires, of my worries and the hurts of my past. God in his perfect timing has also shown me the plans he has for my life, reaffirming my faith in him, and showing me that there is nothing impossible for him.

I would like to share with you 5 tips that have helped me in my life, to make all the things that I consider impossible possible.

1- To make the impossible possible, we must make the decision to believe in God rather than men.
2- To make the impossible possible, we must recognize our incapacity in our problems, and trust in the one that is capable of solving our problems.
3- To make the impossible possible, we must do what’s possible so that God can take care of the impossible in our lives.
4- To make the impossible possible, we must trust in God fully and completely.
5- To make the impossible possible, we must obey without questioning.

These 5 tips are linked to our “faith” in God, so all we need to make the impossible possible is faith.
I encourage and invite you to put all your plans, dreams, and worries in the hands of the one that can make all things possible.

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