Love Transforms in Spring: Teenagers, Senior Citizens, and God
Teenagers are not the only ones to get lovesick. In the Disney movie Bambi, it’s called being twitterpated. Friend Owl warns Bambi and his friends of this condition as spring approaches. You know, it’s that feeling when the whole world stops and the only thing you can see is the face of the person you love.
This kind of love is not exclusive to animals or teenagers. My grandpa, widowed at age 79, remarried a few years later to a lovely lady that accompanied him until the day of his death December 2014. When we first met Mary, I was shocked to see my Grandpa, a senior citizen, acting like a teenager discovering a new love. He was twitterpated!
Love transforms us—the giving and the receiving of it. When we realize the height, depth, breadth and width of God’s love for us, how enamored he is with us, we are forever changed.
God is love (1 John 4:8). Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18). Unquenchable love sacrificed his own son so that we might live (John 3:16).
I invite you to be transformed by love today. May you act twitterpated and be considered a crazy, lovesick individual overwhelmed by the magnitude of God’s love for you and your love for him.
May we never abandon our first love for the Father (Rev. 2:4).
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Love Transforms in Spring
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