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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Sunday, April 10 marked the 11-year anniversary of the baptism of Jhonny Frias, my Venezuelan son, who still calls me “Mamá.” It is hard to believe that it has been that many years, but what a joy to see the fruit of seeds planted and watered. This news is especially joy-filled considering Jhonny’s continued leadership in the East Caracas church and the current political and economic situation in Venezuela, where many are moving to other countries.

Earlier on Sunday morning, I was blessed to hear some good news from the previous day’s activity, as well…

The preacher at the Village Church of Christ plays pickle ball with several of the men from the Village. Through this relationship, many of the men come to church, but some of their wives are less excited to attend.

Saturday, one of those wives decided to attend the Denim & Pearls Ladies’ Day, where I shared lessons about the durability of God’s love, like denim, and the pearls of wisdom God has blessed us with through his Word. She and many other visitors were among the two hundred women who came and enjoyed the day’s activities.

This wife had such a great time on Saturday that she joined her husband at church on Sunday! What a blessing to be a part of seed planting, watering, and seeing how God brings the growth!

Some additional blessings from the weekend were

·      Having my mom, Jocelynn Goff, and new IRSM volunteer, Carole Gastineau, help with the booth.

·      Conducting a Ladies Day where Katie Forbess, Board President, and her family attend.

·      Introducing our new Rose Cards in honor of spiritual moms and in support of our growing Intern Program, just in time for Mother’s Day.

The moral of the story: God has called us to plant seed and to water it, but he is the one who brings the growth. Thanks for celebrating with us in the growth God has brought about in individual lives and for Iron Rose Sister Ministries!


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