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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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“Return to sender, address unknown.” Ever feel like that’s what’s stamped on your prayers? You don’t get an answer and wonder if you even directed your prayers to the right person.

Thankfully, in Christ, we have direct access to the Father and no longer have to go to the temple or tabernacle. There is no priest to offer a sacrifice on our behalf so that God will hear us. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, once for all.

So, then, if I trust that I am able to lift my prayers directly to God, why am I not getting an answer?! Or are you?

Sometimes God answers our prayers in the affirmative and sometimes with a resounding “no.” And he often has us wait on the answer, causing us to doubt his sovereignty (gracious control) and whether his attentive ear understood our request.

However, there is a way in which God always answers our prayers: with spiritual growth.

As a general rule, we are not patient people. And, we are quite selfish. We want what we want and when we want it. We may not throw a temper-tantrum like a practiced two-year-old, but we have learned the art of masking our impatient selfishness. We pout, whine, complain, suggest, withdraw, demand… we each have our methods.

And when God asks us to wait, we pull out all the stops, bargaining with our divine Creator and loving Father, sure that we have a clearer understanding than he does.

And while we wait, what do we begin to learn?

·      Our divine Creator really does know what’s best for his creation.

·      Our heavenly Father loves us more than we can begin to comprehend.

·      Our sovereign God is in control and has an eternal perspective.

·      Our gracious Savior longs to bless us and even to save us from ourselves.

God may not answer your prayers when you want or how you want, but God always answers our prayers with spiritual growth, if we let him.

You don’t have the wrong address because your think your prayers aren’t being heard. You are experiencing an opportunity to increase your faith, just like the persistent widow (Luke 18).

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