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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

Thanks for joining us in the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon today!

Here is a summary of the things we are praying for and a few updates from when the Prayer Calendar was shared at the beginning of the month.

(Or click here if you would prefer a downloadable PDF of this Prayer Guide.)

·      Thanksgiving

o   Equipping over 2,000 women in 2015 with the tools to connect to God and one another more deeply

o   A new home base for IRSM in Searcy, Arkansas

o   Katie Finch as summer intern in 2015

o   Hiring Erica Peck as part-time assistant: Volunteer and Book Distribution Coordinator

o   A fruitful trip to Nicaragua in January with multiple teaching opportunities and an 18-minute interview on national Nicaraguan television

o   The doors God has opened:

§  Women’s Online Growth Group live tele-class, teaching Human AND Holy for 13 weeks, starting March 22, 6:30pm CST. Register at WomensOnlineGrowthGroup.com to receive the phone number to call in for the live class.

§  Luz para las Rosas (Light for the Roses) IRSM 2-3 minute radio spot for women in Spanish on La Voz Alegre (World Christian Broadcasting Spanish Program)—recording more spots in April

·      Women’s Bible Study Resources

o   Women across the Americas, in small groups and individually studying Human AND Holy / Humano Y Santo, In God’s Right Hand / En la mano derecha de Dios

o   Writing for the 3nd book: Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word

·      Requests

o   God’s Blessing for

§  Your local women’s ministry

§  Women’s ministries across the Americas

§  The impact we can make in the kingdom, in families, in churches, and in communities

§  IRSM Board of Directors

§  IRSM Supporters

o   God’s Guidance and Wisdom

§  That God will lead us to the right opportunities and open doors for growth, and the resources to make it possible

§  To reach even more women with the tools to connect with God and one another more deeply

§  For the unconfirmed fall trips to Latin America

o   God’s Protection

§  Blessings of health and safety for Michelle when she travels

o   God’s Provision

§  Financial: Churches and individuals

§  Workers

·      Grad Intern, Lydia McReynolds, starting mid-May

·      We would love for YOU to get involved!

·      Speaking Engagements:

o   March 4-5, North County Church of Christ, Escondido, CA, (bilingual event) Falling in Love with Jesus

o   March 18-19, North Atlanta Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA (bilingual)

o   April 9, Village Church of Christ, Hot Springs Village, AR, (English), Denim and Pearls

o   April 23, Rural Hill Church of Christ, Nashville, TN, (Spanish), Perfecting ourselves to serve

o   May 27-28, Women Workers Renewal Retreat, Miami, FL (Spanish)

o   June 17-19, University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX, (bilingual) Falling in Love with Jesus

o   June 30—July 3, Equip Conference, Orlando, FL (English & Spanish)

o   July 24-30, Health Talents International, Guatemala

o   September 25-28, Harding Lectureships, two classes for women’s track (English)

o   October 28-29, Tahlequah Church of Christ, area-wide Hispanic Women’s Retreat (Spanish)

·      Booths Promoting IRSM

o   March 19, Women’s Online Growth Group Brunch, Atlanta, GA

o   April 15-16, Women Walking With God Conference, Wichita, KS

o   May 3-6, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, Malibu, CA

o   June 30—July 3, Equip Conference, Orlando, FL (English & Spanish)

o   September 25-28, Harding Lectureships

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