“Forgive and forget”? Or “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”? Which is it?
Forgiveness is a tricky, complicated thing. Satan twists and distorts our definition of it. He attempts to discredit or water down God’s forgiveness. And he confuses our understanding of what it means to forgive others.
Today, I want to offer a reminder of the peace that comes through true forgiveness.
The peaceful state of those who have been forgiven and can rest in that forgiveness reaches to depths that can only be understood by tasting the true forgiveness offered by God.
In Christ, we are no longer bound by our sin. We have been forgiven and set free from its entrapment. And, in turn, we can offer that forgiveness to others.
The peaceful state of those who have done the forgiving and can rest trusting in our merciful heavenly Father is also attainable.
Have you tasted the peace that comes through forgiveness? Do you think it is possible?