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If I talk and talk and talk without giving you a chance to get a word in edgewise, how would our relationship be? Not very good, deep, or long lasting. And if you do all the talking and never give me a chance to talk, our relationship still won’t be very healthy.

It is the same with God. If I talk to him and present my requests without setting aside any time to listen to what he has to say, how will our relationship be? Not very good, deep, or long lasting.

We have one mouth and two ears, but we always have trouble listening attentively. When we listen to someone else talk, we are often thinking about how we are going to respond or the story we want to tell as soon as they stop talking.

Yet again, this happens with God. We are quick to speak and slow to listen to his voice.

So, today, I encourage you to spend some time listening to God and what he wants to reveal to you through Scripture.

One way to listen to God is by spending some devotional time in the Word.

Take advantage of the verses listed below or other favorite verses of yours, in order to hear God’s voice. Meditate on the verses that jump out at you.

You can ask that God speak to you during this time, but avoid making requests. If your own thoughts enter in, answer them with scripture and/or ask that God help you concentrate more on listening.

It’s a spiritual discipline, which means it requires practice. Don’t get discouraged if you find it hard to spend focused time listening today. You’ll get better at it!

I have listed below some of my favorite verses for listening to God’s voice.

Isaiah 61:10-11

Psalm 31

Psalm 27

Exodus 14:14

Romans 15:13

Philippians 4:19

Isaiah 41:10, 13

Psalm 139

Matthew 6:25-34

Zephaniah 3:17

Lamentations 3:22-27

Ephesians 3:14-21

Psalm 63


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