What is a community? A group of people that identify themselves as being part of a group, joined by belief, geography, interest, or other commonality; a feeling of fellowship and understanding shared by a group of people that have a particular characteristic in common.
I have yet to find a Venezuelan community in the Denver area, but that does not stop me from inviting others into my own Venezuelan community, created by making arepas (stuffed corn patties made of finely ground pre-cooked cornmeal), black beans, or fried plantains, sharing stories about my time living in the country’s beauty and enjoying the fellowship of its people.
What communities are you a part of? What communities do you wish you were a part of? Any communities you need to leave?
I pray that IRSM serves as a supportive community of women who are striving to grow in their relationships with God and one another. Throughout this month, we will explore the concept of community. We will look at what it means to be a community and what Jesus teaches about it.
We would love for you to share your ideas about community! Email us at ironrosesister@gmail.com if you have a story about community, a verse to share, or a great example of community to impart.