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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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God designed us to be in relationship, since we are made in his image.

God gave us his body, the church, as an opportunity to work together in community.

So, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, no one is designed to live in isolation. A newborn baby dies without human contact. A teenager longs for a sense of belonging as much as she may push others away.

One of Satan’s most productive breeding grounds is to get us in isolation.

I am not dismissing our need for alone time—Jesus needed it and we are called to follow his example.

But when we are in isolation, we neglect to gather with other Christians. We get lost in our own thoughts and the negative spiral that pulls us down. We can’t serve others or allow them the opportunity to serve if we are in isolation. We think we can or should do things of our own strength and ability.

Isolation fosters unhealthy spiritual patterns.

Let’s break that destructive cycle! Get out. Worship. Serve. Pray with others. Host a Bible study. Meet someone for coffee and tell each other what Bible verse has most impacted you recently. Send someone an encouraging text.

Let’s live in the body and improve our spiritual health. We were never designed to do it all on our own.

Hebrews 10:23-25

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