“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” (Acts 4:31)
Today IRSM is conducting a prayer-a-thon. It is our goal to join together as one voice thanking God for all he has done through Iron Rose Sister Ministries since its beginning summer 2013 and all God will continue to do with us in the future.
Please take 15 minutes and join us in prayer for the following today.
There are more details on the website: www.IronRoseSister.com/prayer-a-thon but the summary is:
1) Thanks for all God has done!
2) Fall speaking engagements
3) Fund-raising to churches
4) Opportunities to reach the other 27 states (we are already in 23 US states and all 19 Spanish speaking countries of Latin America!)
5) Women in current and future IRSM studies
6) Other doors God is opening for IRSM
7) Contract with publishing company for 2nd book
We would love for you to share this invitation to prayer and, in the comments, please share your name and where you are praying. Thank you!