There are times when we all get fed up, overwhelmed. We need to take a step back, get away, reconnect with God, and recharge our batteries. We’ve had enough and we are ready to snap.
We may not have the opportunity to enjoy a full cup of coffee without reheating it four times. We may not have the chance to go for a relaxing walk in the woods. The time may not be available to escape to the beach or the mountains.
Rather, in exploring the concept of “enough” this week, I invite you to be quiet enough and still enough to hear God’s voice quieting your spirit. If you’ve had enough of the world, may you be filled to more than enough of him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).
For Throwback Thursday, I’m sharing a picture of a place and time when I was able to quiet my spirit enough for God to bring comfort, peace, and direction. I pray the same for you today.