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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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“Think before you speak.”  “We’re given two ears and one mouth.”  There are various expressions that describe the importance of thinking and listening before we speak.  I was reminded this past week how necessary that is.

I was feeling the pressure to write multiple blog posts and wondered how I was going to be able to come up with multiple creative topics in order to maintain fresh content for the blog.  I threw up a quick prayer, asking God to give me insight and was convicted to realize that unless I take the time to listen, I won’t know what to speak about.  Unless I take the time to be in His Word, I won’t be enlightened by a new perspective on a verse in the Bible.

My encouragement for you today is that you be transformed by listening – listening to God, listening to others, and even more importantly, listening to His Word.  A simple reflection for Transformational Tuesday.

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