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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

Upon arriving at the cabin, I was so relieved to have made it and in such a hurry to find the key and get to the restroom, that I had quickly forgotten the icy conditions of the road and the way in which that would also affect the walkways around the cabin.  I slipped twice on the ice to the point that I fell.  One was a nasty spill that has left a colorful bruise on my knee.  It also bruised my pride a bit as I was sure that my boots would give me ample traction.  I was proceeding with over-confidence, not caution.

In preparation for writing the chapters of Who has the Last Word?, I have been reminded that I should proceed with caution, not over-confidence.  I firmly believe that God has given me a message of hope to share with others.  I trust He will open doors with publishing companies and agents that will help publish and distribute the book, thus equipping women to fight against Satan’s attacks.  However, I must be careful lest I fall into the same traps that I am striving to encourage others to come out of.

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