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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

Love is a many splendored thing; love lifts us up where we belong; all you need is love… It is Valentine’s Day and I am reminded of the medley of love songs that were sung by Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge (not that I can recommend the movie, but some of the music was awesome).

Everyone seeks to find the best expression of love, especially on a day like today.  Whether in a song, a poem, a card, a box of chocolates, or flowers, we long to demonstrate the love we have in our heart for another person.

Today, as the ultimate expression of love, I leave you with John 3:16.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever should believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

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