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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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In the process of launching Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM), I have avoided taking the step to blog.  Not because I don’t think I’ll have something witty to say each and every day, but out of fear that what I say will not be well-received, that it won’t strike a chord, or that the reader, you, would not continue reading so as to catch the entries that are really worth reading.

But here I am… taking things one step at a time as I have encouraged so many others to do in the past and starting the official Iron Rose Sister Ministries blog.

The goal is that you will not always hear my voice sharing testimonies, encouragement, devotional thoughts and God-stories.  There will be others that will guest write to share other Iron Rose Sister stories and inspiration.

Please forgive any grammatical errors you may come across.  The blog is not like the books and Bible studies being published for IRSM that have been and will be reviewed by others who are more expertly equipped in the English language.  Here, I will write from the heart to share news about the ministry and ways in which God is working, among other things.

For those of you that also speak Spanish, a version of each day’s blog will be available on the parallel blog page as well :)

There will be days in which we will deviate from the norm and something will need to be shared that trumps the original plan – God works that way, you know ;)  However, in an effort to generate interest and create a pattern of blogging, the following will be the standard organizational structure that each week will follow:

Sabbath Sunday - a verse to reflect on (just a verse or a photo; rest for me as writer)
Makeover Monday - attitude, worldview, etc.
Transformational Tuesday - Spirit's leading
Wake-up Wednesday - an encouraging word / challenge
Throwback Thursday - a story from back in the day
Food and Family on Fridays - sometimes a recipe
Story-time Saturdays - God stories

There will also be Iron Rose Sister Ministries updates, as needed, at the end of each post.

Thanks for joining us on this journey and I can’t wait to share with you all God is doing through me and through Iron Rose Sister Ministries!


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