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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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KatieWritten by Katie Forbess, volunteer and President of IRSM Board

Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ theme for this year is “Committed to Christ 24/7 in 2024.”

Have you ever stood in a moment when you felt you could lose everything? I mean everything could literally be taken away from you. The life that you were living and all the reasons that you were holding your head high could be removed from you. If you were to lose literally everything that you had, what would you be left with?

I can’t say that this has happened to me, but I did face a time in which I seriously considered that it could. What was I left with? Christ. I was left with Christ. Christ to show me how to act and what to do. Christ to define who I am. Christ to give me a reason to keep going and put one foot in front of the other. Christ to allow me to say, “It’s going to be okay. I don’t know when or exactly how, but it’s going to be okay.”

But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ” (Php. 3:7).

What did I gain? All that stuff that I was scared to lose became nothing, in comparison to my desire to know Christ better. Follow Him more. Read my Bible more. Talk to others about Him more. That experience made me rethink the way that I live day to day and the way that I am committed to Christ.

The theme for this year is very personal to me as I strive to continue counting everything lost in comparison to what I find and look forward to finding in Christ. I now live committed to Christ 24/7 but does that mean that I don’t have more to learn? No.

How does that commitment shape and form every other commitment in my life? I can say that what we will be studying this year as our theme was foundational to how I made it out of that situation and how it strengthened my resolve to get closer to Him.

Each month we will focus on a new theme to help us consider how we can be more committed to Christ including “Committed in Prayer,” “Committed to One Another in Christ,” and “Committed to Trust and Obey.”

Take a minute to consider everything you have as a loss compared to Christ. Every title you have earned, every relationship that you are in, all the money you have made—everything is gone. What are you left with? I pray the answer is Christ.


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