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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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For the past week or so I have been wrestling - the kind of wrestling that leads to restless nights, crazy dreams, changes in appetite, self-doubt, and a general state of confusion.  Am I in a spiritual battle?  Has my depression re-raised it's ugly, shadowed head again?  Am I still recovering from my surgery a month ago?  Or am I just overwhelmed by all that needs to be done for the ministry, the new book, etc?  There's also the issue of the holidays and family dynamics, being in a new city, missing old friends...  I don't know that I will get to the bottom of the cause of my wrestling, but I think that God has shed a little light on how He can use it.

I believe that for there to be effective writing that communicates to the heart and soul of whatever we are facing, it must come with a spirit of authenticity and vulnerability.  Well, I'm there.  God is allowing various circumstances and situations to strip away everything else and leave me with a dependance on Him.

I guess that makes for good timing to write the second book for Iron Rose Sister Ministries: "Who has the last Word?"  I appreciate your prayers as God guides my words and leads my steps.

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