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You can also mail checks, made out to IRSM, to:

Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

Iron Rose Sister Ministries / Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro functions as a bilingual ministry serving as a resource to women and women's ministries in English and Spanish.  It is a joy and a blessing to see God's family come together in both languages and provide opportunities for that to happen.

This weekend is one such occasion.  The Northwest Church of Christ in Denver, Colorado, is hosting a ladies' retreat simultaneous in English and Spanish.  We will have the welcome, worship, fellowship times, etc. with all of the women together.  While the English-speaking women are in their main session, the Spanish-speaking women will meet in small groups and then they will switch.  This will allow me to give the teaching directly in each language without the use of a translator or the delay or translation.  It also facilitates the opportunity for growth through small groups in each woman's native language.

One element I am most excited about is the singing.  For at least one song in each session, we will sing a song that exists in both languages.  We will first encourage everyone to sing it in English, then everyone to sing it in Spanish.  Finally, everyone will have the opportunity to sing it in the language of their choice at the same time.  What an awesome God we serve whose family is multi-lingual!  And a God who is big-enough and loving-enough to hear all of it as a fragrant offering to His ears!


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