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2022 09 Gisela Millan 320Written by Gisela Millán, volunteer of Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Venezuela

When we talk about a crown we refer to: authority, power, reign, reward.

How incredible that something can be taken away from us that was given to us. Just as a young woman prepares herself physically, spiritually, and academically to compete for a crown, so must we, dear sisters, also prepare ourselves. Although they compete for a corruptible crown, we do not compete. But it is a race for an incorruptible crown. When a king is crowned, his children become his princes and princesses, thus becoming heirs to his kingdom. This is how our heavenly Father made us part of His kingdom, but was it just like that? For being beautiful? Or for just being His daughters and that's it? No! First, we recognized and accepted by believing in the words and promises of Jesus Christ.

In my personal and spiritual life, the enemy has wanted to discourage me so that I toss my crown to the ground, the crown I was given when I decided to believe and receive Christ in my heart. He whispers in my ear, “Look how you are: ugly, spent, you can't keep going; give up already!” He tries to unsettle my emotions, because he knows that's where sickness wins, but God says we are called according to a purpose (Rom. 8:28). I think that winning my crown is not easy if I don't understand what and why I am fighting for. If we don't treasure or hold tight to our sword (Heb. 4:12), how can we fight and conquer? When Joshua went to conquer the promised land, what God reminded him the most was to meditate day and night on His words, to believe them and keep them in his heart, and he did so.

Beloved, I have been fighting for my crown for 6 years, I keep my eyes on the award,
because God says that we are His workmanship, that He is that Warrior who fights for us (Josh. 5:15) and the Lord Jesus Christ made us His daughters. When we faint, and we believe Satan’s lies, that's where we throw our crown down, that's where we lose it. So, what is the use of talking about it and not doing it? We must persevere and not allow anyone to take away from us what was given to us with pure blood. It is a promise that is given with love.

Notice how Jesus Himself tells us, “I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown” (Rev. 3:11).

2022 09 Gisela Millan Crown 320As I mentioned at the beginning, a girl prepared to win the crown in a beauty pageant. Once crowned, do you think she gets it and that's it? Is the job finished? Does she lose it? No, my sisters, she must keep that award or accolade for a while and keep working. We should do likewise in ministry, at work, in our homes, but mainly within ourselves.

Jesus sends a message to the church in Philadelphia, which means "brotherly love." The Lord is telling them that He is coming back soon, and although it is not an immediate return, if we read this passage today, tomorrow, or a year from now, He speaks to us in the present, encouraging this church to endure. How wonderful are His words that are also a promise for us! That is why we must continue working on ourselves, because we were made new creatures, daughters of the King.

And what is it that we must guard? They say that the church of Philadelphia had little to no strength. I imagine they were a humble, low-income congregation. However, they had received and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and kept His words. And it was what the Lord admired about them. For this reason, He tells them that He loves them, because they were a church that resisted in brotherly love. They say that the name of that church was changed, but they kept the word of God in their hearts, trusting in the promises of Jesus Christ.

John continues narrating and says, let no one take your crown. So, did the Lord leave this church crowned? Or does He crown us when we receive Him and keep His word? I believe that this church is praised by our Lord Jesus Christ, because it remained obedient, loving, enduring, and trusting, my beloved sisters. The truth is, we have a crown, but we must work to hold onto it, because another sister cannot take it from us, but rather the enemy that sows doubts and distrust. 2022 years have passed, but we must continue believing every day in the promises of Jesus Christ and not neglect ourselves! For indeed these are the days of confusion. These are dangerous days. These are days when you and I can stray from the path that God has established for us. Well, is it that the chosen cannot be deceived at the end of time? The way to avoid this is by being close, walking and talking with our Lord Jesus.

God says in His word: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (Jn. 10:27). Listen to the indication of the Holy Spirit, who will guide and direct you, and will establish your feet firmly on the path that He has established for you.

Furthermore, Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 4:1, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”

Indeed, if we work and strive, it is because we have placed our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all, especially for those who believe. Christ Himself gives us the assurance. “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life” (Jn. 5:24).

The Judgment Seat of Christ has nothing to do with salvation. Instead, it has to do with rewards for service, for constant growth in grace, for patience in doing good. Our just God will forget our work of love, if we have done it out of love for Him.

My beloved ones, let us continue to hope together, working in brotherly love keeping the word of God and practicing it every day, serving God, taking care of that crown that was placed on us.

As Isaiah 62:3 says, "You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God." Amen.

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