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2022 07 26 BLOG E 320Written by Carolina Pérez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in New York

Many knew her. She was not a famous woman who was on television, in newspapers or magazines. She didn’t sign autographs, nor drive luxurious cars, but her service in the community where she lived benefited many and they knew very well who she was. She was recognized anywhere she went. Men and women spoke well of her, rich and poor sought her out. One day, she died, quite suddenly, but even her death favored the people around her. How absurd, right? But it’s true.

Yes, this is the story of a humble woman named Tabitha, better known as Dorcas. This woman was, without doubt, one of the most well-known women for giving a class or women’s conference on the topic of service. Almost everyone, at one time or another, had heard of her. You might be thinking, I already know this story! However, let’s see if we can discover together a little more about her.

Acts 9:36-42 narrates this unusual story. (Later, you will know why it seems unusual and you may agree with me.) As an interesting fact, her name means gazelle. We note at the beginning of the story that “she was always doing good and helping the poor” (v. 36). This helps us understand that these were not sporadic or occasional acts for Dorcas, but rather it was her way of life. It was a common thing in her day-to-day life; it was a part of her. Surely, she alluded to her name since a gazelle is agile and quick. She served others with promptness and without giving it a second thought.

She had a good reputation in her city and was a woman known in society because she helped anyone that needed economic or physical help—she sought the good of others. We don’t know her economic status, but everything she did, she did from the heart. We don’t have any information about how she came to hear the gospel and accept Jesus as her Savior. However, we can see that she that she was a woman of faith. That may seem like a hasty conclusion, but this is what we see through her works. In James 2:14-17, we can see that the evidence of our faith is our works; they cannot be disconnected. Dorcas possibly understood this concept perfectly and didn’t hesitate to put it into practice.

The Scriptures say that this woman fell ill one day and passed suddenly. What generally happened in that time was the body was prepared for burial immediately because decomposition of a cadaver doesn’t wait, especially in a warm climate. But what the people that were with her did in that moment is an untold part of the story: They washed her body and they put her in a room. They knew that the apostle Peter was in the nearby city of Lydda. They called him because they were sure that he could do something. They were all saddened by Dorcas’ death, which is normal when someone who has done so much for the community loses his or her life. What comes next is the resignation and acceptance of the loss of the beloved person. To the contrary, the people that loved her, hoped for a miracle, one like those they had heard of when they heard the gospel.

They sent two men urgently to search for Peter, and after telling him what happened, they begged him to come without delay to see her. When they arrived, there were many people crying and lamenting the loss. And here we can highlight the beautiful ministry this woman had. Verse 39 says, “Peter went with them, and when he arrived he was taken upstairs to the room. All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them.”

In those days, the widows were one of the social groups with least privilege; if they didn’t have children or family nearby, they were completely helpless. Yet we can see that they were not unseen by this disciple. She gave them clothes and possibly even taught them about sewing that they might, in that way, have a source of income and avoid begging in the streets, which is what often happened.

So, the apostle, upon seeing the scene, had compassion on them and, asking everyone to leave the room, prayed to God asking for the miracle that the people hoped for. The Heavenly Father responded positively to their request and, in accordance with His will, raised Tabitha. Thanks to what happened, “many people believed in the Lord” (v. 42). Who would say that even in her death, this woman was going to serve? Doesn’t this seem unusual and even a little crazy that her death has been used as an instrument for the salvation of others? This is how God works in hopeless situations, in the most mysterious ways, all for His glory.

This woman’s work was so noticeable that her story is registered in the pages of the Bible so that we can tell it and learn from her today.

What impact have you had in the place where you are—be that your home, your neighbors, your work, your school, etc.? Are you serving with love? When you pass, what legacy will you leave? How will you be remembered?

May the Lord help us to be true servants to His glory.

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