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2022 05 Victoria MendozaWritten by Victoria Mendoza, volunteer with Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro in Texas

I remember the cold December dawn in the year 2000. Together with my family, I left my house and traveled to another country. My mother-in-law was ill, and I needed to take her a dialysis treatment and assist the family by taking care of her. I was pleased to take care of her.

I felt sad leaving my own parents and siblings, with doubts about what it would be like to live in a strange country. But I was content because I said it was only for a time. Daily, things got more complicated for my mother-in-law, and she needed even more care. The treatments left her feeling weak and it seemed like my return grew further and further away. Many things came to mind and what hurt the most was feeling that my parents were so far away. I was frightened to think that I might not ever see them again.

I prayed to God that He would give me the strength and wisdom to continue. And I prayed that He would guide my children on a good path in such a large city.

At work, my son met a nice, hardworking young woman with a heart of service to others. She is now his wife and together they have formed a beautiful family, granting me the blessing of having another grandson. She introduced him to the gospel, which he obeyed. And even while they were dating, they taught my older daughter and her husband, who were also baptized. They have three children that are also already baptized. I was thrilled to see how God had transformed those who had decided to follow Him.

Every step of our lives has a purpose. Why we moved to another country, only God knew the plans He had for me… and they were to allow my family to come to Christ’s feet and that I too would obey Him.

Change is often not pleasant because they imply many things like: separation from your immediate family in order to form your own family, a new job, new friends, new schools. It reminds us that we are pilgrims on this earth.

“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Heb. 11:8)

With our human minds, it is terrifying to think about leaving home, without knowing where we are going. Questions are raised like: What will I do since I don’t know anyone? Who will I go to if I need help? Who will comfort us during difficult times? What will happen to my family if I die?

Even though we know that God can protect us and help us, no matter the circumstances, we don’t know what will have to suffer during our lifetime. While we are in this world, we will suffer, which is where our faith will be put to the test. We are not sure what we will come across in our future, but we know Who is in charge of the future.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Heb. 11:1)

God doesn’t want us to see this world as our permanent home because He has something better prepared for us. He encourages us to see the future as Abraham did: “For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (Heb. 11:10).

Twenty-two years have passed and now I understand clearly that my faith has been strengthened throughout my life. I know that God will continue working in me and that, just as He was with Abraham, He will be with me. How wonderful to know that I am among his descendants!

“And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.” (Heb. 11:12)

My dear sister and friend, only faith in God can sustain us in the most difficult moments of your life. You will continue trusting and believing in spite of the pain and the battles that you face every day. I have been through many trials, but God has never let me go from His hand and He always tells me that He is there. And, even though the path we must traverse is full of danger from illness or tribulations, we will continue standing because we trust in the same God of Abraham who faced the most difficult trial of his life: Offer his son as a sacrifice (Gen. 22).

Since Isaac was born after the many years his father and mother had waited and longed for his birth, he became their most precious treasure. Amid their joy, Abraham received the command to take his son and offer him as a sacrifice. Can you imagine how Abraham felt in his heart at being asked to sacrifice his son? Do we love our children as much as Abraham and Sarah loved theirs? What do you believe they would’ve felt what they said goodbye to Sarah, the mother? What about the feelings Isaac held in his heart when he said bye to his mom before a three-day trip to the place where he was to be sacrificed?

After walking for three days, the time had come. Upon hearing these words from his son, we can imagine this was one of the saddest days of Abraham’s life:

“Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?”
“Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.
“The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”” (Gen. 22:7)

In those moments, Abraham could’ve lost his faith, but he didn’t because he trusted in the same God that you and I trust even in the most difficult of circumstances in our lives and when it seems that there is nothing more that we can do, like when there is a terminal illness or when someone has lost everything.

“Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.” (Gen. 22:8)

Abraham believed and God provided. Therefore, sister and friend, no matter what you are going through, God will provide.

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