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tuesday04 2022 02 22Written by Laureen Henegar, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado

“And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day. And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of Him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem." 
Luke 2:36-38

When I was asked to write a blog about Anna, I wasn’t quite sure how to even start, but as I read the verse over a few times, I began to relate to her in a very personal way. I lost my husband seven years ago. Scripture tells us that Anna had been alone for 77 years. But, as a widow or a widower, are we really alone? No, we are not. Psalm 68:5 tells us just that. God is, “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.

I have talked with several people who have lost their spouses and it’s interesting that each one mentions that since the passing of their spouse, they have drawn closer to God. Is it possible that in our sorrow and trials God actually provides us with a blessing? I think so. God helps us understand that life is not over. God ALWAYS has a plan for us. It’s our responsibility to trust Him and wait on His timing.

Anna was the daughter of Phanuel, a godly man whose name meant “Face of God.” She was from the tribe of Asher. She appears to have been raised in a Godly home. Married for only seven years, she spent the rest of her life devoted to God in all she did.

I have learned two things in studying Anna and writing this blog. One, God provides us with the strength, courage and comfort we need to get us through the trials and challenges of this life. The more time I spend in prayer and fasting, the closer I draw to God; but I must also spend time listening to His response to my prayers. Second, not only must I spend time praying, fasting and listening to Him, but I must wait for His time for prayers to be answered and I must trust Him to answer my prayer in His way, not mine.

Anna was a woman devoted to prayer. She knew God was faithful and that the promise of a Savior would be fulfilled. I’m certain that, not only did she spend time in prayer, but she spent time listening, listening to the Holy Spirit’s soft whisper. Many times, when I pray, I find myself ending my prayer and then immediately throwing myself into whatever my plans are for the day. I don’t take time to listen, to listen to the soft whisper of the Holy Spirit, communicating back to me, providing me with words of strength, wisdom, and courage to face the day. I believe Anna not only spent time in prayer and fasting, but she also spent time listening. Listening to His words that drew her closer and closer to God.

Can you imagine how she must have felt when she first saw Jesus and held Him in her arms?! Here was the promised Messiah, the answer to the Scriptures, the Son of God sleeping in her arms! I don’t imagine there are any words to describe the joy she felt and the urgency to tell others that the Messiah had come. She knew the Messiah would come; she knew it would be in God’s time and she knew the minute she saw Him that He had arrived.

She rejoiced in the fact that Israel’s prayer for a Messiah had been answered and she immediately began to share the Good News. Sometimes we get so caught up in our worldly plans that we miss seeing prayers answered. Yes, we see the big ones, such as when a loved one is cured of cancer. But do we notice the small ones, the blessings God gives us each and every day? Do we share how those prayers have been answered and how wonderful our God is? I think Anna noticed all of God’s blessings, saw God all around her and shared God’s love with whomever she met.

My prayer for us is that we become more like Anna: That we spend more time in prayer, fasting and listening to God. That we take time to step away from our busy lives and look around at this beautiful creation. That we recognize, acknowledge, and give thanks for the blessings God showers upon us every day. That through our daily prayer time we draw closer and closer to God. In Scripture, Anna’s life story is but a few short verses, but she is an inspiration. Her story provides us with important lessons that give us an opportunity to have an amazing, lifelong relationship with our Lord and Savior.


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