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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

M fall leavesIn order to fulfill the vision of 2x2x2, the first “2” must do his or her part in order to pass on what has been learned. I am eternally grateful for the “2’s” in my past who have equipped me in my walk with God and service to others. Grateful for the way they have inspired me to equip and serve others, I am encouraged when I see the 2x2x2 pattern continued to the next 2’s down the line.

We each have a part to play. And some will never know the impact they made on my life and the ripple effect that has on others. Their pattern of equipping has been carried on, starting with the early church and the ways in which the apostles followed Jesus’ teaching in Matt. 28:18-20, and taught others everything He had commanded them, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Who has been a “2” in your past? Who has helped equip you to be the Christian you are today?

I want to ask you to do three things in their honor:
1. Thank them, maybe even through a comment on the blog or by tagging them in this post.
2. Make a donation in their honor for #Giving2x2TuesdayIRSM.
3. Continue the 2x2x2 equipping pattern with someone in your life. Need help or ideas? That is what we are here for!

Equipping women to connect to God and one another more deeply… across the Americas… in English, Spanish, and bilingual contexts… equipping to equip… 2x2x2.

Thanks to the 2’s in our lives! And thanks for accepting the challenge to be a “2” for the future, through your relationships and through IRSM.

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