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2020 05 13 Monica Dye Blog PostWritten by Monica Dye, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Siloam Springs, AR.

Obedience is a word we often don’t like to hear. We are taught that we obey rules starting at a very young age. We learn that if we do not obey there are consequences. And usually those consequences are negative. So, we learn to obey the rules to avoid negative things happening to us such as spankings, lectures, speeding tickets, etc.

But what does God teach us about obedience? Proverbs 10:17 ESV states, “Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray." So, God is telling us that obedience leads to life. And if we reject correction (reproof), we lead others astray. But what does He mean by “lead us to life”? Does it mean if we don’t obey rules then we won’t live? Does it mean we will have a bad life? Yes! At least in a way. Think back to those consequences you had for disobedience when you were little. When were you living your best life? When you were in trouble, or when you were obeying? I dare say most of us were happier when we were obeying the rules. At least we knew we would not be harmed. We felt safer.

Guess what, God still wants us to obey even now that we are grown. But it’s no longer just to avoid negative consequences. God wants us to obey to give us joy! Read Psalm 40:8 ESV. “I delight to do your will, O God; your law is within my heart.” God’s law is in our hearts! We obey because we love God. We obey because it gives us joy to serve God. We delight to obey God!

But what about right now? The law makers of the country are telling us to stay inside. They are telling us to not even go to worship with our church families. Should we obey them? How can this be pleasing to God? How can this bring us joy? Well, sometimes obedience is not fun at the time. It’s not what we want to do at the moment. Sometimes obedience is painful, but necessary. Let’s look at Hebrews chapter 12 ESV. Verse two says Jesus is “the founder and protector of our faith and for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross." Did you read that? He endured the cross for the joy of promised heaven. He endured the cross so we could learn to obey when we don’t want to. Jesus did not enjoy the cross. But He knew obedience was necessary to make the sacrifice for our sins. He knew obedience was necessary to obtain future joy for all of us.

God wants us to obey! He knows it’s not always easy or fun. But He also knows that obedience now will bring us great joy in the end. So be joyful in your obedience to God.

Stay safe, Sisters! “Rejoice in the Lord always; I will say it again, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

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