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The Significance of Prayer“But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.”
1 Corinthians 12:18-20

I've listened to many lessons over the years about how we each need to do our part within the church. The body of Christ has many members, and each member has a part to play, right? Preachers will often quote the scripture in 1 Corinthians 12 and list the various parts of the body, showing how each one has its own specific role to play.

I'm sure many of you have heard similar lessons, and it brings me to my question today:

What do you think of when you imagine doing your part?

Is it an active role? When you think of serving, are you up and about? Are you going to people's houses, cooking meals, talking with others, going on mission trips... what does it look like? I have always been a fairly active and social person, so I usually imagine myself going and doing, talking and reaching out, physically serving people in some way. Are these the only ways for someone to do their part?

I met a very encouraging man at Harding University’s Lectureship this past fall. He was moving from table to table in the lobby area, stopping to talk with whoever represented each ministry. It was difficult not to notice him as he moved around the room with his motorized wheelchair and beautiful service dog, and I was amazed to see how much time he spent talking to each and every person at the ministry tables. When he arrived to our area, this is how he introduced himself: “I have MS (multiple sclerosis), and I can’t always fit into the rooms where they have the classes. There isn’t a whole lot I can do for others, but I can pray. Can you give me a card about your ministry and tell me more about it so I can be praying for you?”

I have to admit that I have not always seen prayer as a way to serve others. It has been a way to communicate with God, and I know that He hears us. We often tell people we will pray for them when they are going through a difficult time, but is that always because we believe in the power of that effort? Or are we just offering words of comfort and encouragement in a difficult time when we aren’t sure what else to do?

This man spoke of his part in prayer as others might talk about going to other countries to build houses for people. He knew of its significance. It was his very real, very actionable part in the body of Christ, and I am so thankful for that.

*Written by Rachel Baker for Iron Rose Sister Ministries blog, Feb. 2020

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