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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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gift of presenceWe were just getting started on our all-night drive back to Denver. It had been a great weekend visiting grandpa on the farm. I was in the back seat with Kadesh, my nephew who was almost two years old at the time.

Kadesh Austin is named after Grandpa Dean Austin, and it turns out they have more than a name in common.

As we got on the road, I took out the iPad to do some writing, but Kadesh had a better idea. He wanted to hold my hand as he tried to fall asleep. “Hold my hand, Aunt M.” Who am I to argue? I closed the iPad and took Kadesh's hand.

We looked at the stars, delighted in the full moon, and pointed out the cars driving by. He soon fell asleep and I returned to my writing, glad I had taken a moment to hold his hand and enjoy the mutual love and relationship between us.

I was reminded of a similar moment sitting on the couch with Grandpa that weekend. He had a granddaughter on each side and, while seated there, we grasped each other's hands. We held hands as we prayed before each meal. We grasped hands to help him stand up from the couch. Many special moments were cherished, and the strength of family was renewed by taking hold of each other's hands.

My encouragement to you is to take a moment to hold someone's hand—a child, a grandparent, your spouse, a friend... There are many who would greatly appreciate a loving touch, and you will be blessed by making a moment to take their hand.

God invites us to take a moment and grasp His hand each day. During your prayer time today, imagine yourself holding God’s hand as you talk with Him and listen to Him in prayer. Picture yourself in His right hand.

At this time of year, many gather to celebrate baby Jesus, when God became flesh and dwelled among us. He is Emmanuel, God with us, the ultimate gift of Presence.

#IronRoseSister #gift #presence #Emmanuel #InGodsRightHand

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