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praying scriptureMy prayers, at times, are one single word. On other occasions, my thoughts escape in a tsunami of words that even a Pharisee would call too much.
Do your words ever feel monotonous? Or sometimes full of passion?
For me, it depends on the day and what I have weighing on my heart.
When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, the words were never as important as the heart.
And my heart is always in a better place for whatever I need to express in prayer, after first having gone to the Father in order to hear His heart.
After spending time in the Word of God, I recognize His thoughts, His wishes, His will. And my word, thoughts, wishes, and will begin to align with His.
But when I am not reading the Bible, my prayers are expressions of desperation and selfishness.
You will notice that, during this prayer month for Iron Rose Sister Ministries, we have not only included a prayer request or thanksgiving as our prayer theme for the day. We have also and more importantly made note of a Bible verse, in order to first listen to the Father’s voice, as a way of guiding our words and will to align with His.
Thank you for joining us in prayer by listening.

#IronRoseSister, #prayer, #listening, #Bible

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