Overwhelmed by all God has done to bless me personally and the ministry, I give thanks. You are a vital part of that blessing, and for that, I thank you!
However, not every aspect of the year can be described as an immediate blessing. At the time, they were burdens, challenges, or obstacles. Now, I can look back at them and be reminded that “His Love Endures Forever,” just as Psalm 136 repeats.
I invite you to add your own line or two to the following version of this psalm:
In the good and the bad, through the ups and the downs,
His Love Endures Forever.
When I see God’s hand at work,
His Love Endures Forever.
When I doubt His provision,
His Love Endures Forever.
During the exhausting road trips,
His Love Endures Forever.
Through the customs and immigration lines,
His Love Endures Forever.
When His Spirit speaks through me to touch the lives of women across the Americas,
His Love Endures Forever.
When a restless night of sleep leaves me anxious,
His Love Endures Forever.
Inspired to write, or frustrated that I can’t find the words,
His Love Endures Forever.
Given words to speak, or dependent on the Spirit to speak for me,
His Love Endures Forever.
Suffering through growing pains—personally and as a ministry,
His Love Endures Forever.
Trusting that God will reveal His answers, in His timing,
His Love Endures Forever.
Overwhelmed by the opportunities, unable to handle it all,
His Love Endures Forever.
God is faithful and I praise His name,
His Love Endures Forever.
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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
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Grateful because His Love Endures Forever
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