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CtL cover 200Week 4: Listening to the Son

Listening in Layers

Week 4, Day 5

Jesus taught in parables. He wanted us to understand on a deeper level and He realized that we would not all be at the point of comprehending the layers of His teaching all at once. The Parable of the Sower is an excellent example of Jesus’ style of teaching, especially as He responds to the apostles’ question regarding His chosen style.

Read Matthew 13:1-23.
Whether this is your first or twenty-first time reading the parable, what aspect of it jumps out at you today?

What is the application for the farmer who plants a seed?

What is the application for us as sowers of the seed?

Going back to verses 10-17, why does Jesus teach in parables?

Based on what you have heard through this parable today, what is your prayer, in thanksgiving or request, on your behalf and on behalf of others? Be sure to listen to Jesus’ heart and His desire through this parable, in expressing your prayers.

Additional notes, drawings, or thoughts from listening to the Son:

We would love to hear from you! Please share with us what you are hearing and how you are growing in your devotion to listening.

This blog post is taken from the book Called to Listen: Forty Days of Devotion. To order a copy of this book, please visit our website and invite a friend to participate in the study with you. The book includes additional guides and questions to be reviewed in a small group context weekly.

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