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CtL cover 200Week 3: Listening to the Father

Listening Cleanly and Clearly—And So I Listen.

Week 3, Day 4

What hinders our listening?

One of my own biggest hindrances is my own thoughts...
And so I listen.
My prayers have been transformed from a rambling conglom-eration of words to moments of silence, listening to what God speaks to my heart. I have realized the value of being in the pres-ence of the Lord instead of always feeling like I have to have something to say, or have the perfect words to express whatever is on my mind.
And so I listen to His heart.
After several years of friendship, while driving on a road trip, a friend commented, “I’m glad we have reached the point in our relationship where we don’t feel like we have to fill the silence with noise. We are comfortable with ourselves, with each other, and with our relationship that it is enough to just be here together.”
I think I have finally reached that point in my communication with God. He has more important things to say than I do. His wisdom is infinitely beyond mine. His thoughts are not my thoughts and His ways are not my ways (Isa. 55:8-9), yet I long for them to be more aligned.

And so I listen to His wisdom.
My desperate expression of needs never reaches the breadth and depth of His provision. The chorus of my prayers, when I am honest with my frustrations, returns to a sentiment of “not my will, but yours be done.” So why don’t I start there?
And so I listen to His will.
It’s not that I have run out of words. I am still a verbose extrovert, eager for an audience. But I have weighed the value of listening, especially to God, and find it of greater worth than my own meager responses.
And so I listen to His voice.
And because I listen, I find that I actually have even more to say—more of His words, more of His Spirit, more of His heart, His desires, and His love.
And so I listen.

As you listen today, have a blank piece of paper with you. Jot down a reminder if your thoughts start to wander, so that you can set it aside and stay focused on your prayer time. On the back of this page, we are going to write out our prayer today—it is a way of removing distractions and listening more, as we pray. (The blank piece of paper is to write down distracting thoughts and come back to your prayer, written in this book.)

We would love to hear from you! Please share with us what you are hearing and how you are growing in your devotion to listening.

This blog post is taken from the book Called to Listen: Forty Days of Devotion. To order a copy of this book, please visit our website and invite a friend to participate in the study with you. The book includes additional guides and questions to be reviewed in a small group context weekly.

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