“You have to act crazy so you don’t go crazy.” This is one of the many nuggets of wisdom my mom, Jocelynn Goff, has passed down to my sisters and me. However, the wisdom I most treasure is her spiritual legacy and example of time in the Word and in communication with our Heavenly Father.
Whether from the stories she shared (and, believe me, she has a story for everything!), or for the insight she passed on, I appreciate that my mom is my physical mother, my spiritual mother, as well as my sister in Christ.
I value the wisdom she has passed on and the ways in which I, in turn, can now pass it on to others, that they might also pass it on to others.
That practice is what we are all about as a ministry: equipping women to connect to God and one another more deeply—sharing the wisdom God has given us by being and equipping spiritual mothers, mentors, and Iron Rose Sisters to one another.
Today is my mom’s birthday, and in her honor, I share a picture of the legacy of faith and wisdom from my grandmother, to my mother, to me... May you be inspired to pass on words of wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement to others as Iron Rose Sisters.
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Motherly Wisdom
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