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1 cor 15 1 8Written by Wendy Neill
Does the idea of sharing your faith with a friend cause you to break out into a sweat? Sometimes, I feel that way. What do I say? Where do I begin?

1 Corinthians 15 is a great place to turn. In verses 1 through 8, Paul gives us the gospel in a nutshell. It is of “first importance”.
• Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures (it was foretold)
• He was buried
• He was raised, according to the scriptures
• He appeared to Peter, to the Twelve, to more than 500 brothers, to James, to all the apostles and to Paul himself.

There you go. Simple, yet so profound. Succinct, yet life-altering. If you have a friend who thinks Christianity is just a myth or a conspiracy, that last bullet point is especially important. If people made this up, they wouldn’t have mentioned that many witnesses of the resurrection, especially witnesses that were still living at the time and could verify the facts. Many of those witnesses died for their faith. They wouldn’t have been willing to die if it was all a lie.

So remember 1 Corinthians 15. It will help you focus on what is important, and it is strong evidence for the truth of the resurrection.

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