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the Good TeacherThe Sermon on the Mount is characterized as the best sermon of all time. Matthew dedicates three chapters to the retelling of the truths Christ clarified to the Jews who had lost the spirit of his Father’s love and intent. “You have heard that it was said, but I tell you...”His teaching style brought new life to what the teachers of the Law had lost sight of.
Jesus dedicates three years to teaching and training the twelve disciples so that they might teach others to teach others, to teach others...
Even at age twelve, Jesus was found in the temple discussing Scripture with the other teachers of the law (Luke 2:46-47).
No matter whom He was with or what He was teaching, the people were amazed at the way in which He spoke. Demons shuddered. Sinners repented. Crowds followed.
And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes” (Mark 1:22).
What a blessing to sit at the feet of a teacher who truly knew what He was talking about!

My best professors were the ones that not only thoroughly knew their subject matter, but also cared deeply for the students and made every effort to make the teaching clear and accessible—to ignite the same passion he/she had.
I think that is one of the reasons that Jesus taught so often in parables. He wanted us to be able to grasp the concepts that our finite brains could barely comprehend. Besides, we remember stories. They give us a connection to the storyteller and to the truths revealed in the story.
Jesus strived to reveal to us the nature of His Father and His relentless pursuit of us. He demonstrated the Father’s love for us and for others and He longed to see us live our lives as a reflection of that love (John 15:9).
Jesus lived all that He taught, which made him more than just a great teacher or exemplary Rabbi. He bristled at being called a Good Teacher in Mark 10:17-18, which surprises me. Yet I wonder if it was because characterizing Him as a good teacher limited the true nature of all He is.
If Jesus were merely a good teacher, one might follow Him to death, but there would be no promise of the resurrection.
Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” (John 1:49)
He is not just the Good Teacher; He is the Son of God!
What has the Good Teacher, the Rabbi, the Son of God and King of Israel taught you recently?

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