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butterflyWritten by Wendy Neill
I have always been fascinated by butterflies. Without making a sound, they loudly proclaim the existence of a Creator. Those intricate patterns and brilliant colors are no accident. Then there is the process of metamorphosis, which just blows my mind. An ugly caterpillar is able to wrap itself up and later emerge with those beautiful wings, taking flight for the first time!! Wow.
When we lived in Colorado, my husband and I took a hike up to “Hanging Lake” outside of Glenwood Springs. It was a beautiful day in June and there were butterflies flitting around us throughout our hike. They would come close and I would hold out my finger, daring to hope one would land so I could look closer. I knew it was unlikely, but I kept trying anyway.

We arrived at the lake and enjoyed the view. It was all the more beautiful for the 1.6 mile hike and 1,000 foot rise in elevation we travelled to get there.
The journey back down was something I will never forget. I held out my finger again and this time, a butterfly alighted. I was so delighted!!
“Kelly, look!” I whispered as loudly as I could without disturbing my new friend. We gazed on the butterfly’s velvety black and bright blue wings as they gently opened and closed, almost like it was showing off for us. I whispered, “Thank you, Lord” and after a few minutes, resumed the descent since there were people coming behind us.
I expected the butterfly to leave once I started moving, but to my surprise, it did not. Even when I had to take big steps off of boulders or duck around a tree branch, it stayed on my finger. It stuck out its tongue (proboscis) and started licking my finger, which made me giggle. For about 10 minutes, that butterfly hitched a ride with me down the trail!! As hikers passed us going up, I would beam and show them my companion. I knew that God was giving me a special glimpse of His love for me. Like a lover brings his beloved her favorite flowers, He knew how to bring me delight. Which parts of His creation bring you delight?

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