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with faith like a childI love to hear children pray. Their simple requests and childlike faith remind me that no prayer is too small or too big for God.
“Dear God, thank you for my family. And my dog. And my blanket. And my Legos. And my mac ‘n cheese. And my juice...”
“Dear God, please heal Nana. She’s sick and it makes daddy sad.”
“Dear God, please make the monsters go away. They’re scary.”
“Dear God, thank you for my new shoes that help me run super-fast!”
“Dear God, my puppy is lost. And I miss my puppy. I want him to come home. Please keep him safe and help him come home soon.”
“Dear God, please help me obey my mommy and daddy. Sometimes it’s hard, but when I disobey, it makes mommy sad.”
The honesty, vulnerability, and trust that a child places in God through their simple prayers are an example of the spirit with which we should approach our Heavenly Father.

Here are a few things I learn from faith-filled, childlike prayers:
Nothing is too small for us to give Him thanks.
God is the ultimate healer and Great Physician.
God shares in our sorrow.
God protects us and calms our fears.
God rejoices with us in the small things.
God longs for all those we love to come home to Him.
God honors our confession of sin, forgives us, and strengthens us to not sin the next time.
What do childlike prayers remind you about the character of God and your approach to Him in prayer?

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