

You can also mail checks, made out to IRSM, to:

Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible. God Provides Increase for the Ministry

2021 Team and Board members

While the pandemic offered many challenges for a lot of organizations, we were able to pivot easily since many of our activities were already taking place virtually. The limited number of in-person events also afforded us an opening to take advantage of the opportunity to expand into Portuguese. Sabrina Nino de Campos joined the Team as our first Portuguese or Brazil Coordinator, assisting with translation, outreach, assessment of needs, and even our first Portuguese/English bilingual event!

New Board Members were also added as we recognized the need for added support and experience in certain areas.

Top row: Katie Forbess (Board President), Wendy Neill (Advancement Coordinator) and Anna Sumner (Office Assistant), Michelle J. Goff and David Goff (Jocelynn not pictured), Kat Bittner (Board), 

Middle row: Sabrina Campos (Brazil Coordinator), Amanda Nitsch (Operations Manager), Bill Richardson (elder and Board), Julio Cedeño (elder and Board), 

Bottom row: Cynthia Cedeño (Board Treasurer), Mark Vaughn (Board), Rossana Sosa (Board), Brenda Brizendine (Volunteer Coordinator)


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