juana hall

Financial Assistant

Juana Hall was born in Searcy but raised as a preacher and teacher’s kid in Augusta, Arkansas along with her brother. She graduated from ASU Searcy and Beebe. 

Juana attends the West Pleasure Church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas where she is an active member of the Ladies Bible/Dorcas class. She is a single sister with three adult children who she is super proud of. 

Juana has lived in Texas, South Carolina, and Mississippi. She returned to Searcy in 2014 and began working at Harding, where she is now the Office Manager/Assistant to the Dean of the College of Bible and Ministry. 

Juana firmly believes we have to create a sense of urgency and intentionality about the Father’s business. She feels IRSM is doing just that. In her opinion, when you equip women, you equip the world.