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  • Things that a Single Woman Can Do

    wisdomwednesday01 2021 12 01Written by Liliana Henriquez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia

    In general, we could say that society has certain expectations of women depending on their role or marital status. For example, women are expected to get married before their 30s, have children, and also have a prosperous and profitable job. None of which is a bad thing, but truth be told, sometimes life does not turn out that way or in that order… and that is when our complexes and conflicts with ourselves arise.

    Today, I invite you to analyze the things that we CAN do regardless of our culture, role, or marital status. Let's look at the story of Ruth, a widowed woman, a single-again woman, who decided to emigrate to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law. She decided to start from scratch, but she decided to do it the right way.

    From her history we can learn:
    We can choose to have God as our God. (Ruth 1:16) Sometimes we make the mistake of putting the boy we like, friends, work… as “gods.” They become our source of emotional stability and divert us from the one true God. Let´s remember that all these things are fleeting. Rather, we can choose what’s best, like Mary did in Luke 10:41-42 (NIV). “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
    We can serve others. (Ruth 2:11) Ruth served her mother-in-law, and the good work she did was known to all.
    We can work hard. (Ruth 2: 15-18) When we are willing to work and be productive in our field, we find grace and favor in the eyes of others.
    We can learn to appreciate processes and learn from them. (Ruth 2:23) The process of sowing and harvesting barley and wheat takes months. It is sown in the fall and harvested in the spring. Each stage of the process is important and Ruth knew it. She did not demand instant results. She did the right things step by step with patience and confidence.
    We can cultivate an admirable character. (Ruth 3:11) Ruth was known among the people as a virtuous woman. That reputation was cultivated over time and appreciated by all.
    We can learn to accept the advice of a wise person. (Ruth 3:18) Ruth listened to the wise advice of her mother-in-law Naomi.

    Although Ruth had the happy ending that many single women desire, it is important to note that she got married AFTER she had manifested all these characteristics. This means that she was ALREADY a virtuous, helpful, hard-working, and devoted woman of God BEFORE getting married.

    Many times, we hear some women say, "When I get married, I will focus more on God, on service, on growing professionally, etc." Ruth shows us that this is not the correct order. A Christian woman should cultivate all of these characteristics from an early age.

    Our character and decisions totally influence the results we will obtain. Ruth made the best decisions and that is why she became David's great-grandmother.

    God's Word redefines and shapes us. Let it continue to do its work in us to remain redefined in 2022.
    For more information on single life from a biblical perspective, I invite you to read the ministry’s new book, One Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women.