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  • “To Us” is Given

    to us for usMeditating on Isaiah 9:6, I realized the significance of the fact that the child was born “to us.” It was “to us” a son is given.

    “For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
    and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
    The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.” (Isaiah 9:6)

    On October 3, 1977, the doctors declared that born to David and Jocelynn Goff was a daughter, whom they named, Michelle Joy Goff.
    On November 19, 2018, the judge decreed that to my friends Jeff and Amanda, a son was given, Ezekiel Matthias, “Zeke.”

    A child is born to her parents... A son is given in adoption...

    In both cases, there was anticipation and rejoicing, intensive labor and sacrifice. Both families have since made sure that these babies would be cared for, protected, and loved.

    Child Services and adoption agencies do background checks and other reviews on potential parents and their homes before allowing an adoption to proceed.

    However, if the world had been put through the kind of extensive testing that prospective adoptive parents go through while seeking approval to receive a child, we would have failed miserably. “To us,” an unkind, brutal world that would later betray and kill Him on a cross?

    Yet God sent His Son...
    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

    Out of love for a dying world, a Savior...
    “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

    Unto you, cruel world, is born a child.
    To you, confused people, I have entrusted my innocent baby boy.

    And not just any child, not just anyone’s son: God the Father honored us with the gift of His one and only Son. Because this Son had a purpose, embodied by the names these same verses proclaim (Is. 9:6; Luke 2:11; John 3:16):

    And not just any child, not just anyone’s son: God the Father honored us with the gift of His one and only Son. Because this Son had a purpose, embodied by the names these same verses proclaim (Is. 9:6; Luke 2:11; John 3:16):

    Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Eternal Life, Savior, Christ the Lord.

    God was at His most vulnerable when He sent His Son “to us,” as a baby. The plan was perfect, but the plan required a sacrifice in order that we might have the opportunity to be in relationship with the Wonderful Counselor, the Almighty God, our Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, our Savior, Christ the Lord, who is and gives Eternal Life.

    Which of these names are you most grateful for?

    How does it impact you knowing that “unto us” a child was born, and a son was given?

    #IronRoseSister #namesofGod #MichelleJGoff #Savior

  • Alpha and Omega, First and Last, Beginning and End

    alpha omegaWhen facing a new beginning, we have no idea what the end will look like. We can dream of what we hope it becomes. We can plan and set goals toward what we deem an attainable end.

    However, unexpected things will happen along the way. We are not in control. Change is a constant. And interruptions are always possible.

    Yet, God is not surprised by any of these detours. For Him, they are not detours.

    God is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Rev. 22:13). He goes before us, behind us, and surrounds us (Ps. 125:2).

    God is the source of life and the conqueror of death (1 Cor. 15:55). He is the Root and the Offspring of David (Rev. 22:16).

    He who was and is and is to come, the eternal, cannot be caught off guard.

    The Alpha and the Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. I AM is the Author of everything.
    The First and the Last imply there is an order to things. I AM is in control of everything.
    The Beginning and the End illustrate a timeframe. I AM, Creator, knows when and how everything will happen.

    What a comfort to believe in The I AM! Are you trusting The I AM with your new beginning?

  • O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

    “Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel. Shall come to thee, O Israel.”
    The chorus of this traditional Christmas hymn was sung boldly by my six-year old nephew during the worship service on Sunday morning. His exuberance was matchless and his faith exemplary. The fact that he mumbled through the words to the verses did nothing to quench the Spirit-filled way in which he rejoiced in each chorus.
    My soul echoed with the cry of his heart, “O Come, Emmanuel!” We rejoice in the fact that “God with us” was a foretold prophecy (Is. 7:14) and a fulfilled promise (Matt. 1:22-24). The beautiful thing is that it was not a “one and done” kind of thing.
    Through the Holy Spirit, Emmanuel is celebrated daily for those who believe and have been baptized, welcoming “God with us” to be “God in us.”
    Emmanuel, for me, has become an invitation and reminder to keep God at the forefront of my thoughts and actions. Also, if God is for me, who can be against me?
    O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
    Be the author of my life.
    Rescue my captive soul.
    Comfort and convict,
    Redeem and remind.
    O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

  • Thanks to Jehovah Jireh

    jehovah jirehTHANK YOU! to those who donated for #Giving2x2TuesdayIRSM. More than $1,000 was donated from people in 8 different states. And the opportunity for giving has not ended. We continue to seek new financial partners, especially those willing to make a pledge for monthly or one-time donations in 2019.

    In the meantime, through this blog, we will continue the blessing of giving thanks, specifically thanking God for His different names and His characteristics revealed through those names.

    One name I have reflected on a lot lately, especially in the midst of this end-of-year giving campaign, is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.

    The first time we see God being called by this name is on a mountain in Moriah. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. In faith, he followed God’s instructions and trusted that God would provide life for his son. Abraham trusted the promises of God that He would make Abraham into a great nation through his son, Isaac.

    Genesis 22:14
    So Abraham called the name of that place, “The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided.”

    My faith is not as strong as Abraham’s. Doubts flood my mind and I find it hard to trust in God’s provision for Iron Rose Sister Ministries when Satan attacks and I see our needs looming large.

    I am extremely grateful for our prayer partners and prayer warriors who are trusting with us for God’s continued provision for IRSM. Since our first year, I have prayed for God’s provision: financial and workers. I am humbled by His increased provision of workers, especially in the past year... then why do I distrust His answer of financial provision both now and in the future?

    In honor of the end of November, focused on gratitude, and in recognition of the Common Threads, I will share my own recent convictions and reminders regarding Jehovah Jireh. And I invite you to share your own answers to the Common Threads with an Iron Rose Sister and pray together.

    2018 common threadsAn area in which I long to grow or bloom: Trusting God’s provision.
    The thorn I want to remove: Doubts and worries, especially as they relate to God’s provision.
    The way in which I want to dig deeper or need someone to hold me accountable: When doubts creep in, and fears raise their ugly heads, I want to answer them with Scripture (e.g. Prov. 3:5-6; Phil. 4:19; Matt. 6:25-34).

    Thank you for your prayers and thank you for being part of how God answers our prayers for provision!

  • The Lord is My Banner

    the Lord is my bannerMoses was old and getting tired. He couldn’t keep holding up his arms, but every time they dropped, the Israelites, under the command of Joshua, were losing the battle against the Amalekites (Ex. 17:8-16). So, Aaron and Hur, who had joined him on the mountain, found a rock for him to sit on and help up his arms, one on the right, and one on the left, until the battle was won.

    Highlighting the significance of Aaron and Hur in support of their friend is important. Through their example, we remember the ways in which others have lovingly supported us during difficult times... the “one another” passages in the New Testament... the vital role the church plays.

    However, the end of the story reveals what we must never forget (Ex. 17:15). The altar that Moses built was called Yahweh Nissi, “The Lord is My Banner.” This is the name of God that proclaims His protection, leadership, and deliverance. The banner reference is also a celebration in His honor, a recognition of who He is and what He has done.

    God, Yahweh Nissi, is the One who made victory possible. We grow weak and tired. Friends may help hold up our arms, but it is the Lord, our Banner, the eternal source of deliverance, the One who deserves the honor and the glory, who we call on today and celebrate.

    How has God been Yahweh Nissi in your life? What can you celebrate, in a banner today, that He has delivered you from?

    #IronRoseSister #YahwehNissi #truefriend #namesofGod #MichelleJGoff #LordismyBanner

  • The Names of God

    crayon names of God“What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” (William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet).

    No matter which of God’s names we use, there is no sweeter sound than the proclamation of His name.

    Throughout Scripture, we see many names for God. At this time of year, we take the time to focus on Christ’s birth—the Word, who became flesh and dwelt among us, the fulfillment of the prophesies and personification of many names of God.

    Last year, my sister heard a radio interview through Focus on the Family, in which they shared an idea for how to keep Christ in the center of Christmas, as a family. Depending on the age and abilities or interests of the children, the activity can be adapted.

    The idea is that you spend time focusing on the names of God and incorporate them into your decorations, family discussions, thus bringing Christ into the conversation during the holidays. For example, using the names of Jesus, as mentioned by prophet Isaiah as His birth was foretold, or names like Emmanuel, “God with us.”

    For her family, my sister and brother-in-law encouraged my then five-year-old nephew to write out the names of Christ on strips of paper that they made into a paper rings and hung on their tree. As he carefully copied the letters of each name, they would discuss what that name meant and would read a simple verse about that aspect of Christ. His little sister, who was two at the time, would be encouraged to repeat the name and was able to color on a few paper strips of her own that had Christ’s name written by one of the adults.

    Inspired by this idea, and encouraged by this practice, for the month of December, we are going to focus on the names of Christ. Before I share which ones we have selected for the month, please tell us which are your favorites and why that that name is special to you!

    #IronRoseSister #MichelleJGoff #namesofGod #Christ #Christmas


Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


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