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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

  • A Twisted Sisters Reunion

    When I moved back to Baton Rouge from Venezuela in the spring of 2007, I prayed that God would provide some Christian sisters that could be like iron sharpening iron, encouraging me, and praying for me. I knew it was probably going to be a difficult transition back to life in the U.S. and wanted God´s help to pave the way.

    The manifestation of that answered prayer became additional inspiration for the definition of an Iron Rose Sister.

    [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1334.0"]Maryellen Anderson, Brenda Priddy, Wanda Whittington, Andree Reynaud, Michelle Goff, Tonya Brignac and several other ladies who are missing from this picture. Maryellen Anderson, Brenda Priddy, Wanda Whittington, Andree Reynaud, Michelle Goff, Tonya Brignac and several other ladies who are missing from this picture.[/caption]

    In honor of those ladies, I would like to issue a challenge with a prize attached.

    Challenge: Post a picture to the Iron Rose Sister Ministries Facebook page of you and some of your Iron Rose Sisters by the end of this weekend. Be sure to tag your friends and include your location.

    Prize:Monday morning, September 14, one of the pictures will be randomly selected and the one who posted the picture will receive a free copy of In God’s Right Hand!

  • Another teaser: God's Right Hand We Hold

    As daughters of the King, securely upheld in his right hand, whom shall we fear? Nothing! Affirmed through a vivid description of our heavenly Father that transcends the Old and New Testament, God’s right hand is a special place of honor from which he demonstrates power and authority, promises protection and salvation, and provides a source of strength. God’s righteous right hand is also where Jesus sits to intercede for us!

    These are truths on which we can rely! His right hand is where we can
    securely rest, peaceful in the protection he provides, free of fear, and filled with hope.

    With only one minor edit, I want to share the following song with you that I wrote my senior year of college. It is my prayerful invitation to join hands together with God and one another as we continue on the journey.

    God’s Right Hand We Hold

    Will you think and pray for me

    As I think and pray for you?

    While we’re apart in time and space

    It’s all that we can do.



    Our lives are held in God’s hands,

    He is in control.

    When so many things tear us away,

    God’s right hand we hold.


    We both call God our Father,

    Our bond is more than friends.

    And through the blood of Jesus,

    The friendship never ends.


    P.S. A very special birthday shout-out to my mom, Jocelynn Goff, who has always encouraged me to cling to God's capable hand.

  • Eternal pleasures at God's right hand

    One of my many favorite verses that refers to God's right hand. What is yours?

  • Given over or left there?

    Overwhelmed. I think that would be the best expression of my state of being the past couple of months. Overwhelmed.

    I will spare you the list of things that have given me that feeling, knowing that you have your own list. Now, don’t go there and start feeling overwhelmed at my mere mention of the list… stay with me for a moment of reflection on something I have come to realize.

    How can I feel overwhelmed and frustrated about something that is no longer in my hands?

    If I have truly given things over to God, left them in His capable hands. If I depend on Him to meet my needs and trust His protection for whatever comes my way, why do I take those things back out of His hands and attempt to juggle them in my own. By not leaving my worries in God’s hands, I welcome back the feeling of being overwhelmed, frustrated, and discouraged.

    My encouragement today is not to give things over to God, but rather to leaveit all in His hands.

  • In God's Right Hand: An Introduction

    While debating what car to purchase, I had all but settled on a Toyota® Corolla. As I weighed the merits of my choice and finalized my decision, the other Corollas on the road began to jump out at me. I’m sure they had been there all along, but my awareness was heightened by my attentiveness to my new car.

    In a similar fashion, my fascination with the reference to God’s right hand began while I was meditating on Isaiah 41 at a ladies’ retreat hosted by the South Baton Rouge Church of Christ in September 2012. I later included those reflections in an article for Wineskins magazine (May 2013), and in chapter 4 of the first Iron Rose Sister Ministries interactive Bible study, Human AND Holy. I will share some of those reflections in Chapter 2: A Promise of Protection and Salvation.

    However, after that weekend, like my Corolla, I started to notice how often the Bible refers to God’s right hand: sixty-four times, according to the NIV! The references were jumping off of the pages of Scripture and I was captivated. It was as if God’s right hand was guiding me to those passages and, ultimately, to sharing the encouragement found through those verses with you.

    When facing challenges, filled with fear, or on shaky ground, I have been renewed and strengthened by the reminder that I am secure in God’s right hand.

    Please join me in taking God’s right hand as he enlightens us and broadens our understanding of the honor, blessing, power, authority, protection, salvation, strength, and righteousness that come at his right hand.

    [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="400.0"]Order your copy today! Order your copy today![/caption]
  • In God’s Right Hand is here!

    God has carried me and Iron Rose Sister Ministries in His capable right hand all the way to Searcy, Arkansas, and to the release of the second small-group interactive Bible study book, In God’s Right Hand: Whom Shall I Fear?

    Thank you for your prayers through this process and transition!

    I am extremely excited to share with you the promises and hope that are found in God’s right hand.

    Securely held in God’s right hand, whom shall I fear? A vivid description of our heavenly Father that transcends the Old and New Testaments, God’s right hand is a special place of honor from which he demonstrates power and authority, promises protection and salvation, and provides a source of strength. God’s righteous right hand is also where Jesus sits to intercede for us. Through this six-week interactive Bible study, we will explore these characteristics of God’s living and active right hand in our lives. Let’s join hands with him and walk together on the journey!

    Order your copy today!

  • Whom Shall I Fear?

    Yesterday morning, at the Downtown Church of Christ where I attend in Searcy, Arkansas, we sang the song Whom Shall I Fear?

    The song was sung as a prayer in honor of the Waldron family—a special request for Hayley Waldron whose husband Harrison is in a coma following a traumatic brain injury in a four-wheeler accident just over a month ago.

    The Waldron family has always been special to me since we have worked together in one missions context or another starting back in 1999. Phil and Donna Waldron (Harrison's parents) and I were part of a team that was going to start a church in Bogotá, Colombia, and while that team never materialized, we worked together in Cozumel, México, to establish a new work there. Last November, I had the privilege of conducting a seminar where they currently serve with Mission UpReach in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras.

    The song is one of my favorites, but I found myself singing with even more conviction Sunday morning for the Waldron family and for others who long to remember the promises reflected in the words to that song.

    The sentiment expressed in the lyrics echoes many of the promises found in God’s right hand and are ones that I cling to often (expounded upon in the book, In God’s Right Hand: Whom Shall I Fear?)

    So, in honor of the Waldron family, I would like to simply paste below the lyrics to that song as a prayer for today.

    You hear me when I call

    You are my morning song

    Though darkness fills the night

    It cannot hide the light


    Whom shall I fear


    You crush the enemy

    Underneath my feet

    You are my sword and shield

    Though troubles linger still


    Whom shall I fear


    I know who goes before me

    I know who stands behind

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    The one who reigns forever

    He is a friend of mine

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    My strength is in Your name

    For You alone can save

    You will deliver me

    Yours is the victory


    Whom shall I fear

    Whom shall I fear


    I know who goes before me

    I know who stands behind

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    The one who reigns forever

    He is a friend of mine

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    And nothing formed against me shall stand

    You hold the whole world in Your hands

    I'm holding on to Your promises


    You are faithful

    You are faithful


    And nothing formed against me shall stand

    You hold the whole world in Your hands

    I'm holding on to Your promises


    You are faithful

    You are faithful

    You are faithful


    I know who goes before me

    I know who stands behind

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    The one who reigns forever

    He is a friend of mine

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    I know who goes before me

    I know who stands behind

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    The one who reigns forever

    He is a friend of mine

    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side


    The God of angel armies

    Is always by my side