20/20 Seeing the I AM Clearly
Many churches, conferences, and events are taking advantage of the number of this new year, “20/20” as an optometrist would say it, to remind us to have clear vision (1 Cor. 13:12), to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12:2), and to focus on the unseen instead of the seen (2 Cor. 4:18). During the month of January, we will join in highlighting that emphasis, especially as it ties in with our spiritual theme for the year.
Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ spiritual theme for 2020 is “Part of the Whole” (Eph. 4:16; 1 Cor. 12:12-27).
Above all, we must keep our eyes fixed on the Whole, the I AM. In order to see Him clearly and maintain our focus on Him, we must come to know Him more deeply... know Him by His name.
We invite you to participate in an interactive small group Bible study, starting in January. The latest book, I already AM, is available through our online store, on Amazon, and also now on Kindle! This study is designed to help us keep our focus in the right place, affirm and strengthen our belief and get to know the I AM in deeper and broader ways through an in-depth study of His name.
In the meantime, stay tuned for “Our Part in Prayer” for our Prayer Month in February. And later in the year, we will explore topics like, “There is no small part,” “Christ is the head,” “Our obedience allows others to do their part,” “Celebrating the part others play,” “You are part of the one-another,” “Finding your part,” “Addressing the sticky parts,” “Thankful to be a part,” and a refocus of vision to keep our eyes fixed on the Whole.
Isn’t that exciting?! Yet, my favorite “part” of what is to come are the conversations and upcoming book celebrating Single Women as a vital part of the Whole. If you would like to join that conversation, we are still gathering research and conducting interviews, so let us know.
Thank you for being a part of the whole that God has brought together to His glory! Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. And thank you for your vital part of these important conversations, Bible studies, and equipping processes.
I AM Hears Our Prayer Echoes from the Past
Each year, I select a different theme for my personal Bible study and for my prayers. 2013 was Human AND Holy, which inspired the book by the same title. Transformation characterized my life and the ministry’s in 2014. In 2015, I prayed for God’s provision: financial and workers. Wisdom focused my prayers for 2016 and for 2017, we concentrated on listening. During 2018, the emphasis of our prayers was on growth as we experienced growing pains and reflected on what God says about growth through Scripture.
One of the unique characteristics of growth and blessings of prayer is to look back. We can see answered prayers from the past. We remember how far we have come. We repeat prayers that continue to shape our perspective. And we reflect on God’s faithfulness at every turn.
Preparing for I AM, our emphasis in 2019 helps us keep our eyes and our prayers focused on the I AM, to whom we pray.
The prayers throughout my life become the stepping stones for the direction God now carries me. And many of the prayers from my past echo in my current murmurings.
• When my humanity threatens to overshadow my holy calling, I look to Christ’s example and pray, “Not my will but Yours be done.” Praying to I AM Father.
• Transformation seems elusive, yet I look to the discontented caterpillar, later struggling to exit the chrysalis for inspiration as a beautiful butterfly. And I thank God for His creation as an example of transformation. Praying to I AM Creator.
• We continue to pray for God’s provision: financial and workers, remembering the promises in Scripture that “His faithfulness continues throughout all generations” (Ps. 100:5, 119:90). Praying to I AM Provider.
• Even the wisest man to walk this earth continued to seek counsel with His Father through prayer. Praying to I AM All-Knowing.
• And so, we listen for God’s wisdom as He leads us in times of growth. Praying to I AM your God.What are your personal prayers for this year? Or what are prayers you have focused on in the past that you are now revisiting? Which name of I AM are you praying to?
Thank you for joining us in prayer this month! And don’t forget to sign up for a 15-minute time slot to pray for IRSM on Monday, February 25!
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Knowing the I AM’s Voice
(Taken from chapter 9 of Who Has the Last Word? “Recognizing God’s Voice,” pg. 157-8)
Elijah recognized God’s voice as a whisper (1 Kings 19:12-13). The sheep recognized and followed the voice of the Good Shepherd (John 10:2-5). It’s about knowing God, not just about Him, in order to recognize His voice of truth in the midst of trying times.
The more time we spend in the Word, the more we come to know His words, and the easier it is to discern His words of truth amidst the bombardment of lies.
My sister and brother-in-law were on a camping trip outside of cell range. But our other housemate needed to reach them in order to ask permission to bring home a puppy she wanted to adopt.“Michelle! I can’t reach Kim and Paxton and I really want to bring this puppy home!” Shannon proceeded to describe the dog, and then went into her rapid-fire questions. “I need to know what you think they would say. I don’t want to get it and have it at the house without their permission, but there is no way the puppy will still be here tomorrow.
It’ll only be like two weeks because, after that, I move out, and we’ll be headed home for our wedding... What do I do?!”
I considered Shannon’s predicament and responded, “I hate to speak for them, but I understand you really want the dog and want to at least check with someone who knows them well.” I continued with a few points that I thought they would make, and things that should be taken into consideration, like how their own dogs would respond.
Shannon thanked me and was going to try and call them one more time, but had decided that she would probably go ahead and get the puppy...
A couple of hours later, I met Shannon and her fiancé at the house to help introduce the puppy to my sister and brother-in law’s dogs. After the dogs’ initial introductions, Shannon looked at me, surprised.
“I forgot to tell you. I was able to reach Kim on the phone and ask her about the puppy. She mentioned every single one of the things you said she would. Some of the things she said were verbatim what you said!”I smiled and responded, “Well, we kind of know each other.” Sisters, living in the same house, conversing, spending time together... I didn’t want to speak for her, but I felt confident that I would represent her to the best of my ability because I knew her and I knew her voice.
May we come to know God’s voice so intimately!
Satan’s lies scream in attack. God’s voice is a gentle whisper of comfort and hope in the midst of the storm. When we listen for God’s voice and are attentive to His words of truth, Satan’s clamoring is quieted. And God gets the last word.
#IronRoseSister #ListentoIAM #Listentoothers #WhoHastheLastWord #MichelleJGoff
The Power of Prayer
Years ago, my grandfather wrote a book called Prayer Power. He, and many others in my life, fostered an environment that has valued and emphasized the power of prayer.
Prayer is one of those intangibles that we sometimes cannot get our heads around. When I was a teenager, I read some of Frank Peretti’s books about spiritual warfare. He illustrates how the power of prayer makes a direct impact on things in the spiritual realm, which then impacts our lives in the physical realm. His fictional narrative is an insight into the world we cannot see with our eyes or fully comprehend. While his books demonstrate one perspective, the concept is scripturally affirmed through Ephesians 6:10-18.
Look at how the New Living Translation states this truth in Ephesians 6:12.
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.It is a fight and a battle. Each year, during our Prayer Month, Satan’s attacks seem to be more fierce, on a personal, ministry, and other levels.
However, we should not be surprised. We are taking the battle to the accuser’s front doorstep and reminding him, and ourselves, that he is not in charge, God is. We are not going to fall into the devil’s traps of discouragement, frustration, lack of faith, distraction, or whatever other tools he wants to use. Rather, we will look to God, draw closer to Him, and place all of cares in His capable hands, thanking Him for what He has already done.
Prayer is about relationship, but it is also about focus and belief. The parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8) reminds us that we must always go to the one who can do something about our situation. And that it is all about faith.
Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8b)Faith, expressed on behalf of others, is one of the most powerful facets of prayer I have ever experienced. Through prayer, we grow closer in our relationship with God, and also our relationships with one another.
When we go to God on behalf of another, we are united in a way that only God can facilitate. And when we are the ones being lifted in prayer, a burden is lifted from our hearts and spirits. And we can almost tangibly feel our arms and feet being lifted, a weight off our chest, which enables us to take the next step forward in faith.
Thank you for joining Iron Rose Sister Ministries in prayer this month! We are in this together and in the midst of whatever spiritual battles we are facing, we know and trust that God’s got this. Thanks for lifting us up to Him! And know that we are lifting you up as well.
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