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  • Committed to One Another: Getting to Know the Common Threads

    Common Threads insta ENG newIn the context of small groups or trios of women, we have an opportunity to participate in authentic, genuine relationships that can deepen our relationships with God and one another. Iron Rose Sister Ministries prays that we can equip you in those relationships, especially in your local churches and small groups. And one of the ways we do that is represented by the Common Threads— the three elements of the ministry logo. They are a way of making any Bible lesson very personal and practical: the sermon on Sunday mornings, your personal Bible reading, or your favorite chapter in an Iron Rose Sister Ministries Bible study book.

    The Rose in The Common Threads
    The bloom of the rose reminds us that we are all beautiful and unique roses in God’s Garden. It represents the areas in our spiritual lives in which we long to bloom or flourish.

    …making it bud and flourish… so is my word that goes out from my mouth…” (Isa 55:10-11).

    The Thorn in the Common Threads
    The stem represents the thorns we identify and want to remove. They may be thorns like Paul’s (2Co 12:7-10) that torment us, or they may be sin struggles that hinder our growth.

    “…a thorn in my flesh to torment me… throw off the sin that so easily entangles…” (2Co 12:7-10; Heb 12:1)

    The Iron in the Common Threads
    Iron Rose Sisters, as shown in the form of the cross, lovingly serve as iron sharpening iron, as God transforms us into the image of Christ, and as we deepen our relationships with God and one another. 

    “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Pr 27:17)

  • Common Threads

    Written by Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Director of Iron Rose Sister Ministries

    There is nothing more frustrating than trying to slice a tomato with a dull blade. Therefore, we sharpen it. When iron sharpens iron, sparks fly. It is a natural byproduct of the necessary sharpening process.

    While living in Venezuela, there was a certain whistle-like tune the sharpener used as he walked the streets, advertising his services. Spiritually speaking, there is no special whistle to recognize those who are gifted in this area, but thankfully, God does not expect us to know how to sharpen ourselves on our own. He has provided others to help us.

    Sharpening, like growing, is an ongoing process. It is not a one-and-done. It is like sanctification or transformation that God continually facilitates through His Son until we meet Him in heaven.

    In God’s roles as Teacher and Lord, He walks with us and guides us, comforting and correcting, training us in righteousness. He provides us with the example of His Son in whose steps we can follow (1 Pet. 2:21) and the support of His church that serves alongside us.

    As we continue to walk in the light as He is the Light (1 John 1:5), we recognize areas in which we need to be transformed more and more into the image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18). Those areas may be obvious to us or may be more elusive to identify. They often appear as a dulled spiritual blade as we enter a spiritual battle. You are not fighting this struggle alone. We can strengthen one another as iron sharpening iron.

    Since Iron Rose Sister Ministries was established, the Common Threads have served as the three elements of the logo in personal and practical application. They can be found as a part of each chapter of the interactive Bible study books. They are designed to be shared and prayed over in a small group context—from three to eight women.

    The images below are the updated version of the Common Threads from our new three-language logo.

    common thread insta ENG

    The Common Threads are unique to each woman and her current place in life. Yet they are often intertwined. For example, when we want to grow or bloom in an area, we must first remove the thorn—whatever hinders and the sin that so easily entangles (Heb. 12:1). Of course, if the thorn is a sin, it must go! However, at times, we have thorns like the one that Paul begged the Lord to take from him. Yet God replied, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9 NIV).

    Our area of emphasis for growth or the thorn of hindrance may be the same area in which we want to dig deeper (in Bible study or in understanding) or need someone to hold us accountable. You will notice that the image of iron sharpening iron is two nails in the form of a cross. A part of our humble service to one another is to lovingly sharpen one another and deepen together our relationships with God and each other, all while cheering one another on as we are transformed into the image of Christ.

    Whether inspired by a Bible verse from this post, a recent sermon, or something else God has been revealing to you, invite at least one Christian sister, an Iron Rose Sister, to share in the Common Threads with you. You will both be richly blessed in your fulfillment of the Proverb 27:17.

    “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

    Personally, I ask you to join me in prayer that I will bloom in my acceptance of God’s grace in my weakness. It is an easy trap for me to want to do it all on my own. That pride or personal strength can be a thorn that God has called me to set aside so that He is glorified in all He does. I have Iron Rose Sisters who sharpen me by reminding me of my physical limitations, while acknowledging my desire to serve in more ways than I am able. I am digging deeper into my understanding of God’s abundant provision and His delight in using all of us to accomplish His will and grow His Kingdom.

    What are your Common Threads this week?