2017 Arkansas, U.S.A.
Mother and Daughter Listen Together
Carolyn Dexter and Erica Peck, pictured at the 2017 Destination Retreat with the same title, participated in the pilot group for the Called to Listen study. This mother and daughter had the opportunity to listen together, grow together, and share with others what they had heard.
Called to Listen at 2017 Destination Retreat
Michelle J. Goff began the Friday evening class at the retreat by explaining the ability of various animals to hear. Humans do not have the best hearing, but we are uniquely equipped to listen. Throughout the retreat, women were provided with opportunities to listen alone, together, to God, and to one another. Every woman took a copy of the Bible study book home with the challenge to listen during the Forty Days of Devotion with a small group of women.
2018 Arkansas, U.S.A.
Llamada a escuchar daily devotionals through the blog
Through our Spanish website (HermanaRosadeHierro.com), the forty daily devotionals from the book were published, along with the weekly reflection questions to be shared in a small group context.
In light of the distribution challenges across Latin America, this was a more effective way to equip women with this specific resource. The response has been one of overwhelming gratitude.
Llamada a escuchar Facebook group
In 2018, Michelle conducted a virtual seminar in Spanish on the importance of listening, especially to God. Women were inspired to listen through an exercise that day on Zoom, then shared in small breakout groups what they had learned. Then, the ladies were invited to participate in the Forty Days of Devotion together, using our blog, sharing what they learned through a private Facebook group.
Eliuth de Valencia in Colombia attended that seminar and participated in that first group. Subsequently, she was inspired and equipped to begin her own group via WhatsApp that also posted illustrations of what they had been hearing through the Facebook group.
Called to Listen used multiple times
The different colors of ink represent different times that this Iron Rose Sister has gone through the book with different small groups of women. She has been blessed to note when there was a repeated message that God needed her to hear, or when God revealed something different, based on her current circumstances.
2021 Angola
Chamada a Escutar in Portuguese-speaking West Africa
The wife of this ministry couple in Angola proudly displays her copy of Chamada a Escutar in Portuguese! As Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ resources began to expand into the Portuguese language, it was prayerfully decided that Called to Listen: Forty Days of Devotion would be the first Bible study book translated.
The Luso-Africano version (African Portuguese) is being managed and distributed in partnership with LAMP (Luso-Africano Missions Publishing), based out of Angola, West Africa. The Brazilian Portuguese version is managed by our U.S. based team and part-time Brazil Coordinator, Sabrina Campos. We are prayerfully seeking the opportunity to print books directly in Brazil.
2021 Brazil
Missionaries ready to use Portuguese resources in Brazil
Alex and Carioca Marins are an example of brothers and sisters who are hungry for the women’s Bible study materials and other resources provided by Iron Rose Sister Ministries. They are based in Itú and have already obtained eight copies of the book that Alex will be able to study with a group of single moms.
Please pray that we can connect with the right network and connections for printing, distribution, and the spreading of other resources across Brazil.
2021 Guatemala
Gifted books a blessing in Guatemala
Iron Rose Sisters in Guatemala, proudly display the books provided through our BOGO program. “Buy One, Gift One” is our version of BOGO that helps provide Bible study books in areas where cost may be a hindrance to receiving these valuable resources.
2022 Arkansas, U.S.A
Listening at All Ages
Erica Peck and her boys have been studying Called to Listen together as a family. This is not the first time a mother has modeled listening for her children, training them up in the Lord, and guiding them, using our resources. We love to see women grow, then pass on that teaching!
2022 Coral Springs, FL
One book in three languages
Erica Guzmán was delighted to realize that any woman who came to her house to study this Bible study book with her would have no excuse. Gifted in languages, Erika speaks her native Chilean Spanish. Brazilian Portuguese, where all of her children were born, and now English since moving to Coral Gables, Florida, about a decade ago.
Erika is active in the Brazilian community in South Florida, and worships with the new Brazilian church plant in Coral Gables, with whom we partnered as a ministry to conduct our first English/Portuguese bilingual event!
That concludes our fourth passport page, "Called to Listen." Be watching our 10th-year-tour page for more passport pages!