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2023 01 05 Michelle and JocelynnWritten by Michelle J. Goff, with her mom, Jocelynn Goff

The oldest daughter of a college professor and elementary teacher, my mom grew up learning through at least two different styles of teaching. Not all teaching was formally imparted, of course. My mom never took a speech class from Dr. Brown at Miami-Dade Community College. She never sat in her mom’s classroom during regular school hours, but she did spend time there after school while her mom prepared for the next day’s instruction.

It is no surprise that my mom became a teacher herself. She is a natural teacher and gifted storyteller. Her students would sit up straighter when she offered a “lagniappe story.” Lagniappe is French for “a little something extra,” which meant that this story would not be on the test!

In contrast, when my granddad would pepper us granddaughters with Bible trivia questions during our Christmas visits, he emphasized those of greater importance by saying, “This one will be on the final exam.” What I most learned from those “tests” was his love for Bible study and his diligent commitment to finding little-known jewels in Scripture.

Years later, our conversations have been more give-and-take. I have shared biblical nuggets of truth that I’ve discovered with a similar passion to share it with others. Similarly, my mom and I have transitioned from being exclusively mother and daughter to being Christian sisters and partners in the gospel. The teaching and learning matured and became more mutual.

As you know, our teaching and learning does not come exclusively through teachers, nor through our families. Prayerfully, we seek to be surrounded by others who will invest in us, as well as those with whom we can build relationship. Pivotal teachers can transform our relationship with a certain subject matter… inspiring us to persevere or give up. Close friends teach us what it means to laugh, as we also learn what it means to forgive. Neighbors teach us kindness as we learn how to be a good neighbor ourselves.

There are also those who teach through their words and actions, unaware of how many are watching, learning from their example. This is especially true of our Christian walks. We must be careful to practice what we preach, and we cannot teach what we have not yet effectively learned.

When I asked my mom about a relationship through which she has taught or learned, A.R. Kepple was the first person that came to mind. His simple teaching was a seed planted and watered, week after week. They met at the Downtown Church of Christ in Kansas City, Missouri, the new congregation her parents helped establish in the early 1960’s.

After teaching the children for 20-30 minutes on Sunday evenings, Brother Kepple would invite 7-year-old Jocelynn to join him on the front row during the songs and sermon. After reminding her to mind her manners, her parents granted permission to sit with this retired preacher in his late 70’s.

Once settled with her feet not quite touching the floor, while waiting for the singing to start, Brother Kepple would open his Bible to Matthew 5 and read, “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world,” pointing to each sentence as he read them.

“He told me that every time I sat with him, and it made an impression on me and planted a seed in my mind and heart and spirit,” Mom recalled. He lived out the teaching he repeated.

Who is someone through whom you have learned what it means to be a Christian? What has it looked like for you to teach others what it means to follow Christ?



2023 01 03 Michelle J. GoffWritten by Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Director of Iron Rose Sister Ministries

In Matthew 28, we hear the final words of Jesus before His ascension. Verse 18 reminds us that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him.

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matt. 28:19-20)

“Go” and “make disciples” are the two commands of ultimate importance as Jesus’ final instructions. The two ways in which we fulfill the command to make disciples are baptizing them and teaching them. Then finally, we hear the promise that Jesus will continue to be with us. Amen!

These facets of the Great Commission are integrally connected to the Greatest Command: to love God and love others. Can we truly make disciples outside of relationship with God or others? The teaching would be limited to lists of instructions or rote information without relationship. “Teaching them to obey” is different than “telling them what to obey.”

I cannot properly teach someone how to make an arepa without first introducing them to this Venezuelan staple. I could tell them what to make, even provide detailed directions, but both of our levels of frustration will be high if I cannot demonstrate how to make it. Subsequently, if my pupil felt defeated and her arepas didn’t turn out well, she will be less likely to make them again on her own.

Conversely, if I explain how to make arepas, step by step, standing by her side and illustrating with my own dirty hands how to prepare the masa and form the arepas, when to flip them, and when they were ready to eat, my student will feel better equipped to continue in the process. Then, we sit down and continue our time together by eating and deepening our friendship, a memory is made, and a connection is built.

The next time my student friend wants to make arepas, she has been set up for success and, if she has a problem, she knows exactly who she can call! We even celebrate together when she sends me a picture of her family eating her imperfectly formed arepas. She is practicing and developing her skills. And she is not alone. Her growing confidence in how to follow the instructions has been encouraged by her teacher. They delight in sharing a good meal and both are inspired to do it again.

The teaching and the learning happened in relationship.

Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ vision is to equip women to connect to God and one another more deeply. The founding principles of that vision and our 2023 theme draw from the Greatest Command (Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), inspired by the imagery of Jesus as the True Vine and us as the branches called to bear fruit (John 15). We cannot fulfill any of those commands without relationship! Through the blog posts, virtual events, and other resources, we will emphasize the relational aspects of these three biblical texts: “Teaching and Learning through Relationships.”

First and foremost, our relationship with God is foundational.

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.  (John 15:4-5)

Secondly, the “much fruit” of our relationship with God will be more disciples, which brings us back to the Matthew 28 text. I love how God ties it all together and brings it full circle!

Thirdly, the ongoing relationships with God and with one another are reiterated throughout the remainder of the New Testament. Luke’s narration of the early church, Paul’s letters, Peter’s reminders, as well as John’s and James’ instructions all provide affirmation of the important of relationship.

If you are not familiar with these scriptures or have not known the blessing of these relationships, we invite you to connect with these promises and commands. Ladies, we especially want to illustrate these foundational truths in the ways God has called us to teach and learn through relationships.

This year, we will follow the same pattern established in 2022 for our blog posts. Tuesdays will describe teaching and learning through relationship(s) in the Bible. Thursdays will illustrate a similar relationship dynamic from one of our stories. Bible stories and God stories… there is so much to teach and to learn!

Thank you for joining us! We will continue to introduce the topic through Jesus’ own example in January. Then, February, our well-established prayer month, will continue the Bible stories and God stories, especially in our relationships and communication with God.



Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


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