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Michelle Written by Michelle J. Goff with shared inspiration by Chrys Goff

Faith is funny, elusive.
We place it without thought.
We put it in things we tangibly see
And in ones that we cannot.

Faith in what is faithful
Would make a lot of sense.
But we be stupid sometimes.
In fact, we often dense.

Little g’s can’t be faithful.
It’s not in their DNA.
We should kick them to the curb
Because they only make us pay.

The price of following little g’s
Is steep and full of gall.
Let’s humbly fall at the gracious feet
Of the One who made it all.

The OG is our Creator,
Our Father, Faithful One
Who crushed all the little g’s power
When He sent His only Son.

The OG models faithfulness
And invites us to do the same.
His heart breaks every time
Those little g’s get in the way.

Please heed The OG’s warning,
Since we all get a choice.
We can follow empty little g’s
Or we can hear The OG’s voice.

“Be faithful my child, I love you.
My promises are faithful and true.
I AM faithful, my child, I AM YHWH.
My Spirit yields faithfulness in you.”



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