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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

  • Prayers for Wisdom and Guidance for Iron Rose Sister Ministries

    Web Graphic ENGWritten by Iron Rose Sister Ministries team and Board Members

    As President of the Board and self-appointed, glorified cheerleader for IRSM, my prayer request is for unity and wisdom as the team and board work together to God’s glory.
    ~ Katie Forbess, President of the Board

    Thankful for all of the resources provided by God, I pray that we will calm our hearts enough to allow us to step back and look at the many needs in the ministry, the wisdom to discern and set priorities, and the will and strength that trusts in God’s power and strength to do everything possible to tend to them. In Jesus' name,
    ~ Fernando Butch Sandoval, Board Member

    My prayer is that IRSM will be integral to more churches in equipping and encouraging their women members.
    ~ Mark Vaughn, Board Member

    I pray for all our Iron Rose Sisters to find peace amidst the chaos, and to seek the glory of God. May we store up our treasures in heaven.
    ~ Wendy Neill, Advancement Coordinator

    I pray that IRSM continues to be strengthened as a community and that these resources may bless and connect people.
    ~ Alex Marins, English/Portuguese Translator/Editor

    Thank you, Lord, for what you do through this ministry. Continue using it to equip women and show them how much You love and care for them.
    ~ Débora Rodrigo, English/Spanish Translator/Editor

    I pray for direction for the Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro so that it will glorify God in Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries in 2024.
    ~ Laurie Diles, Board Member

    My prayer for Iron Rose Sister Ministries in 2024 is for God to continue to be glorified in all it does, for women to continue to be equipped, encouraged, and empowered through its resources, and for relationships to continue to deepen in Christ.
    ~ Amanda Nitsch, Director of Operations

    My prayer is that God may direct us to the women who hunger and thirst for the gospel—that we can provide them with Bible teaching and study materials to help them in their walk and share with others around them.
    ~ Judy Larsen, Office Assistant

    May God open the doors so that we can present the ministry in person in more places in Brazil, organizing and participating in events.
    ~ Beliza Kočev, Brazil Coordinator

    My prayer is that God will continue to bless the areas where IRSM is already having an impact and open up new places in the world for IRSM to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    ~ Juana Hall, Financial Assistant

    I pray that all that we share in social media may, in one way or another, impact the women who follow us. May we encourage them to draw closer to God and each other with the help of the ministry.
    ~ Francia Oviedo, Creative Assistant

    May God continue to use us to equip, encourage, and empower women in their walks with God and each other, especially through the new book that will be released this fall and the new video resources rolling out in Spanish and Portuguese.
    ~ Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Executive Director

    We request that you pray with us for those who need the connection and encouragement to find their way to our ministry and that our ministry will bring them closer to the Lord. Similarly, please pray for all of us Iron Rose Sisters, that we will be welcoming and genuine representatives of Jesus when others cross our paths.
    ~ Hannah Hackworth, Virtual Assistant

    May God allow the team and board members to work together to fulfill God’s calling for Iron Rose Sister Ministries by remaining committed to Christ individually, and that all our efforts during the year will encourage, equip, and empower women across the Americas to seek God’s kingdom and remain committed to Christ!
    ~ Brenda Brizendine, Assistant Director

    I pray that all the women who have been blessed by IRSM will use the teaching and resources they have received and share them with others this year. In this way, those who have been blessed may become a blessing to many others.
    ~ Bill Richardson, Board Member

    I pray that 2024 will be a year of banner growth for IRSM! I pray for good health and wellbeing for Michelle and the entire IRSM team and board. Most importantly, I pray that each and every woman who connects with IRSM grows exponentially in their faith or comes to know Jesus through this beautiful ministry.
    ~ Kat Bittner, Board Member

    My prayer is that God will use each of our gifts and talents for this ministry to build and support women's efforts to fully commit to Christ in 2024 through blogs, books, workshops, prayer, and fellowship.
    ~ Brenda Davis, English Editor

  • Sharing Wisdom with Others in Cuba

    wisdomPaul admonished Timothy in his second letter...
    You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. (2 Tim. 2:2)

    And that is what I am headed to do in Cuba: pass on some of the wisdom I have received from God, at a youth retreat and two day-long women’s seminars, trusting that they will take what they learn and share it with others as well.

    That is what wisdom is all about. It should be shared and taught to inspire and equip others.

    I covet your prayers to that end over the next week. I am already on my way, traveling to Florida today, and will arrive in Cuba tomorrow. May God be praised and glorified through this opportunity to speak His words of wisdom to encourage and challenge others.

  • Solomon shares his wisdom

    proverbs y ecclesiastesFirst, I, Michelle, apologize to those who I confused with yesterday’s blog post. I hope you read to the end and appreciated the way in which I used creative license to keep you on your toes and share a new perspective.
    With a continued focus on Solomon today, it is worthwhile to emphasize the ways in which Solomon imparted his wisdom to others. A concise summary of the book of Proverbs would be nearly impossible. An entire lesson could be drawn from each verse or proverb. The nuggets of truth and wisdom in the book of Proverbs provide insight into our relationship with God, dealings with one another, and other life lessons.

  • Such a Wise Guy

    Growing up knowing the history between mom and dad, I was unsure what my future would hold. Dad was a well-respected leader and had a special relationship with God, even though the way he and mom met was a definite low point in what many saw as a blameless life.

    Dad repented and truly sought after God’s heart. And hearing all the promises that dad said would come about because he believed God’s Word was inspiring. However, it made me more nervous when one of those promises declared me the next king…

    My name is Solomon and I was scared. Many of my brothers wanted to be king and yet I was the one chosen to carry on the family name, the legacy of faithful rule by following God.

    Therefore, when God clarified my appointment and asked me what I wanted, in a dream, I asked for wisdom—understanding and discernment with which to govern his people. God was so pleased with my request that he granted me wisdom, as well as riches and honor beyond measure (1 Kings 3:5-14).

    One of the first tests of my wisdom was also one of the most memorable… Two women came to me, both claiming to be the mother of the same baby. As they fought over the child and presented their case, God provided me with insight—wisdom with which to make a ruling. I suggested that we cut the baby in half and give each woman half of the child. The true mother cried out, “No! She can have the baby. Don´t hurt him!” Her willingness to sacrifice was a clear demonstration of the love she had for what was rightfully her child.

    This story of wisdom, and many others, became known throughout Israel and among other nations. Many came to visit and see for themselves.

    I shared much of my wisdom and wrote about it. Too bad I didn’t practice some of what I preached…

    Stay tuned for more of Solomon’s story and the wisdom God granted him in the blog posts over the next two days.

  • Such a Wise Guy

    solomon wise guyGrowing up knowing the history between mom and dad, I was unsure what my future would hold. Dad was a well-respected leader and had a special relationship with God, even though the way he and mom met was a definite low point in what many saw as a blameless life.
    Dad repented and truly sought after God’s heart. And hearing all the promises that dad said would come about because he believed God’s Word was inspiring. However, it made me more nervous when one of those promises declared me the next king...

  • The greatest and wisest thing is LOVE

    When the Wise Teacher was asked what was the greatest of all the commands, he answered that we should love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and that we should love our neighbor as ourself (Matt. 22:36-40).

    Paul, at the end of his admonition and description of love in 1 Corinthians 13 concludes that faith, hope, and love remain, but that the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13).

    The four year old who was learning to recognize words, after learning the word "love," proceeded to tell her parents that the whole Bible is filled with love, while flipping through the pages.

    Jesus, Paul, and the four year old agree. It all comes back to love.

    The greatest and wisest thing: LOVE.

    And the theme for this weekend's Women Walking With God Conference in Wichita, KS, where IRSM has a booth, "The Greatest of These is Love."

    Please join us in prayer for divine appointments this weekend as we share our resources and remind women of God's love for them. 


  • The greatest and wisest thing is LOVE

    loveWhen the Wise Teacher was asked what was the greatest of all the commands, he answered that we should love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and that we should love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:36-40).

    Paul, at the end of his admonition and description of love in 1 Corinthians 13 concludes that faith, hope, and love remain, but that the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13).

    The four year old who was learning to recognize words, after learning the word "love," proceeded to tell her parents that the whole Bible is filled with love, while flipping through the pages.

    Jesus, Paul, and the four year old agree. It all comes back to love.

    The greatest and wisest thing: LOVE.

  • The most precious of jewels

    pearls before swineWritten by Débora Rodrigo de Racancoj

    There is a sea animal called oyster that you may have heard of. It is a very valuable mollusk that is one of the most exquisite dishes found in high-end restaurants.
    But oysters are not only recognized for their taste. Some species of oysters are also nacre producers. They polish and gloss inside their shell for long periods of time, creating precious pearls. These pearls are collected one by one and are considered authentic treasures by those who are dedicated to looking for them. A string of these pearls, are precious jewels, created and worn beautifully by those women whose pocketbooks can afford them.

    I do not know how much value you would give to a necklace made of the most prestigious pearls, or how much you would like to wear some at the next special event you will attend. But the Bible, which holds the value of pearls in high esteem, speaks eloquently of another much more precious jewel. "Coral and crystal are not to be mentioned; and the acquisition of wisdom is above that of pearls" (Job 28:38). There is no gemstone in the whole world, no jewel created, which is more valuable than acquiring wisdom.
    Every morning, after getting up, or every time I leave the house, I spend some time preparing myself and getting ready. Honestly, I do not usually think about wisdom at that moment. Accompany me in a new challenge; from now on, every time you get ready in the morning, when you choose one of the outfits in your wardrobe, every time you comb or put on make-up, do not forget to wear the most beautiful jewel placed at your disposal, and there, in front of the mirror of your room, pray to God for wisdom.
    Let us seek it, let us ask for it... let us clothe ourselves in wisdom.

  • The Wise Foundation

    “The wise man built his house upon the rock…” Are you singing the song with me now? It’s a catchy children’s song that comes directly from Matthew 7:24-27.

    And its application to wisdom is not just for children.

  • The Wise Foundation

    the wise foundation“The wise man built his house upon the rock...” Are you singing the song with me now? It’s a catchy children’s song that comes directly from Matthew 7:24-27.
    And its application to wisdom is not just for children.
    Jesus closes the Sermon on the Mount with this practical illustration of the importance of putting what we have learned into practice.

    Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock... But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
    The only difference between the wise man and the fool? Whether or not they put Jesus’ words into practice.

    Are you ready to put God’s words of wisdom into practice?

    called to listen web

  • What do I know about wisdom?

    M M WB smallWritten by Mackenzie Lancaster, published on her final day as IRSM summer intern... We are very grateful for her work this summer and for introducing this month’s theme.
    When Michelle asked me to write a blog for this month's theme: wisdom, I immediately felt unqualified. I'm 21, I'm still in college, I've never had a full-time job, lived on my own, or supported myself. On top of that, my dad, who is a school psychologist, likes to lovingly remind me that my frontal lobe isn't even fully developed yet. So all this to consider, on the wisdom spectrum I'd place myself fairly low, probably a few steps above a teenager (and I hope that those of you who know me would agree).

    That being said, I felt the need to research wisdom and what it even means to be wise, and it's a hard concept to pin down with just a single definition.

    But there was one conclusion I was able to make: one cannot become wise on their own. Wisdom is something you acquire through talking with a mentor or other people in your life, asking questions, taking chances, living life, and learning from your mistakes. Becoming wise takes time, reflection, and community. Even King Solomon had to ask God for his wisdom, which was then gifted to him, he didn't just wake up on day, the wisest man alive.

    Becoming wise also takes some work. You must act for it, but you must also diligently search for it. In my search for the definition of wisdom I began to read Proverbs, which was written by King Solomon, and talks profusely about wisdom. At one point wisdom is even personified and represented by a woman who is then compared to a woman of folly. (I encourage you to read through the book in its entirety if you haven't before!) Reading through Proverbs my question of "how does one become wise?" Was answered:

    “My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
    turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
    and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
    then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
    For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
    Proverbs 2:1-6

    So, if you're anything like me, having no idea what wisdom really is and feel very low on the wisdom scale, take heart! Wisdom is a common theme throughout the Bible, but even just these few verses from Proverbs promises that if we yearn for wisdom, if we search for it with our hearts as though it were the most valuable treasure, "then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom, from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding."

  • Wisdom from Mom

    “You have to act crazy so you don’t go crazy.” This is one of the many nuggets of wisdom my mom, Jocelynn Goff, has passed down to my sisters and me. However, the wisdom I most treasure is her spiritual legacy and example of time in the Word and in communication with our Heavenly Father.

    Whether from the stories she shared (and, believe me, she has a story for everything!), or for the insight she passed on, I appreciate that my mom is my physical mother, my spiritual mother, as well as my sister in Christ.

    I value the wisdom she has passed on and the ways in which I, in turn, can now pass it on to others, that they might also pass it on to others.

    That practice is what we are all about as a ministry: equipping women to connect to God and one another more deeply—sharing the wisdom God has given us by being and equipping spiritual mothers, mentors, and Iron Rose Sisters to one another.

    Our growing Intern Program is a testimony to that goal. Please join us in prayer for the women of all ages who are participating in this program and consider helping us make more aspects of the Intern Program a reality.

    There are several ways in which you can help support our Intern Program and honor a special mother in your life, just in time for Mother’s Day, May 8.

    Whether your mother by birth, an adoptive mom, foster mom, or a spiritual mother that you want to recognize, here are a few ideas:

    ·     Our new Rose Cards are available on our webpage. Honor a spiritual mom by making a donation in her honor to support our growing Intern Program. You can mail her one of these cards, which represents a family tree of roses or your relationship as Iron Rose Sisters. These 4x6 cards can be framed, or sent in the mail—either way, you’ll be able to include a personalized, special note.

    ·     Choose Iron Rose Sister Ministries as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile. (This blesses the ministry for purchases beyond Mother’s Day.) Just click on this link and make any future Amazon purchases at A portion of your purchases will go to IRSM at no additional cost to you!

    ·     Purchase a Human AND Holy or In God’s Right Handbook and/or an IRSM mug as a gift.

    Thank you for your prayerful support of Iron Rose Sister Ministries and for giving us the opportunity to honor a special mom in your life as well.

  • Wisdom in Seed Planting and Watering

    Sunday, April 10 marked the 11-year anniversary of the baptism of Jhonny Frias, my Venezuelan son, who still calls me “Mamá.” It is hard to believe that it has been that many years, but what a joy to see the fruit of seeds planted and watered. This news is especially joy-filled considering Jhonny’s continued leadership in the East Caracas churchand the current political and economic situation in Venezuela, where many are moving to other countries.

    Earlier on Sunday morning, I was blessed to hear some good news from the previous day’s activity, as well…

    The preacher at the Village Church of Christ plays pickle ball with several of the men from the Village. Through this relationship, many of the men come to church, but some of their wives are less excited to attend.

    Saturday, one of those wives decided to attend the Denim & Pearls Ladies’ Day, where I shared lessons about the durability of God’s love, like denim, and the pearls of wisdom God has blessed us with through his Word. She and many other visitors were among the two hundred womenwho came and enjoyed the day’s activities.

    This wife had such a great time on Saturday that she joined her husband at church on Sunday! What a blessing to be a part of seed planting, watering, and seeing how God brings the growth!

    Some additional blessings from the weekend were

    ·     Having my mom, Jocelynn Goff, and new IRSM volunteer, Carole Gastineau, help with the booth.

    ·     Conducting a Ladies Day where Katie Forbess, Board President, and her family attend.

    ·     Introducing our new Rose Cardsin honor of spiritual moms and in support of our growing Intern Program, just in time for Mother’s Day.

    The moral of the story: God has called us to plant seed and to water it, but he is the one who brings the growth. Thanks for celebrating with us in the growth God has brought about in individual lives and for Iron Rose Sister Ministries!


  • Wisdom in the Common Threads

    All month, we have focused on the topic of wisdom. And yesterday, we spent some time in personal reflection on the area in which we most want to apply God’s wisdom in our lives.

    Today, we want to follow that same pattern, but in the context of community. Using the Common Threads, how can you put some of the wisdom we have discussed this month into practice? But don’t forget to share this with an Iron Rose Sister who can join with you in prayer and accountability—serving as iron sharpening iron, encouraging you as a beautiful rose in spite of a few thorns.


  • Wisdom in the Common Threads

    Common ThreadsAll month, we have focused on the topic of wisdom. And yesterday, I shared how I am seeking to grow and bloom in wisdom, the thorn of distraction that I want remove and how you can hold me accountable as Iron Rose Sisters. We want to continue the practice of spending some time in personal reflection on the area in which we most want to apply God’s wisdom in our lives.

    And today, we want to follow that same pattern in the context of community. Using the Common Threads, how can you put some of the wisdom we have discussed this month into practice? This is in community! So, don’t forget to share this with an Iron Rose Sister who can join with you in prayer and accountability—serving as iron sharpening iron, encouraging you as a beautiful rose in spite of a few thorns.

  • Wisdom in the Word

    At the end of each year, I choose a prayer theme for the upcoming year. As December was approaching, I started studying and praying for direction in the 2016 prayer focus. Frustration set in as the turn of the year approached.

    “Okay, God. I thought I was supposed to start these prayers on January 1st. Although I recognize that dates don’t matter to you in that way, I thought I would have an answer by now. I really need your guidance and direction…”

    My prayers continued and then it hit me: What I had been was praying for was wisdom. And so, my prayer focus for this year: Wisdom.

    And while God promises to grant wisdom to those who ask for it (James 1:5), we must do our part to seek it and seek him.

    Therefore, I committed to going straight to the source. Wisdom doesn’t just descend upon us like a heavenly cloud carrying a light bulb of understanding. Rather, we have to seek it—listen to the voice of the author of wisdom.

    Here are some of the ways in which I am seeking additional time in the Word and the wisdom that only comes from God:

    • One Year Bible for Women, NLT (nightly)
    • The Story, NIV, edited by Randy Frazee (weekly)
    • YouVersion Bible app, ESV (study and additional reading)
    •, for study and quotes
    • Additional reading in various Spanish versions of the Bible

    As you may notice, I am using multiple versions of the Bible for my devotional reading and study. Using more than one version provides added insight and can highlight a portion of the living Word that we may have never noticed before.

    How are you currently spending time in the Word? What is your favorite version of the Bible and why?

  • Wisdom in the Word

    wisdom from the WordAt the end of each year, I choose a prayer theme for the upcoming year. As December 2015 was approaching, I started studying and praying for direction for my 2016 prayer focus. Frustration set in as the turn of the year approached.

    “Okay, God. I thought I was supposed to start these prayers on January 1st. Although I recognize that dates don’t matter to you in that way, I thought I would have an answer by now. I really need your guidance and direction...”

    My prayers continued and then it hit me: What I had been was praying for was wisdom. And so, my prayer focus for that year: Wisdom.
    Throughout 2016, my constant prayers were for wisdom, but I must admit that I have let that same prayer slip by the wayside in 2017. While God promises to grant wisdom to those who ask for it (James 1:5), we must do our part to seek it and seek Him!

    Therefore, I recommit to going straight to the source. Wisdom doesn’t just descend upon us like a heavenly cloud carrying a light bulb of understanding. Rather, we have to seek it—listen to the voice of the author of wisdom, through time in His Word.

    I love using multiple versions of the Bible for my devotional reading and study. Using more than one version provides added insight and can highlight a portion of the living Word that we may have never noticed before.

    How are you currently spending time in the Word? What is your favorite version of the Bible and why?

    In anticipation of the Common Threads tomorrow, I confess that I allow the thorns of distraction to hinder me from spending time in the Word. I want to grow and bloom in my hunger for the Word. And so I ask you to serve as iron sharpening iron for me, holding me accountable for the time I spend in the Word.

  • Wisdom through Listening

    CtL cover 320“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Rom. 10:17) And is there any better source for wisdom?

    God longs for us to hear His words of wisdom, shared out of love, through His Word. He speaks to us as the Good Shepherd, Creator, Father, Son, Spirit, and through the five senses... but are we listening?

    Amid the noisy world we live in, listening has become a lost art. We know that “anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand” (NLT). But how should we listen? What is God saying?

    We may not hear from a burning bush like Moses, but we can hear His voice through His Word, through nature, through Christian brothers and sisters, even through silence...

    But again, the question we must ask ourselves is, “Are we listening?”

    Called to Listen: Forty Days of Devotion is an invitation to personal devotion through forty days of Daily Listening Exercises, and to six weeks of small group discussion through the Weekly Reflections.

    We are equipping ourselves to listen to God and listen to others, growing in wisdom as we do so. Thank you for joining us in devotion to listening!
    I am so excited that this resource is now available in both English and Spanish! Order your copy today and invite a friend to listen with you.

  • Wise advice from the in-law

    When my dad first introduced my mom to his foster parents, they quickly advised him to “not let this one go.” From that point on, my mom developed a great relationship with her in-laws.

  • Wise advice from the in-law

    wise advice from in lawWhen my dad first introduced my mom to his foster parents, they quickly advised him to “not let this one go.” From that point on, my mom developed a great relationship with her in-laws.
    And when dad met mom’s parents, he looked carefully at his potential mother-in-law as an indication of how his future wife might be. Pleased with what he saw, he asked mom to marry him on that very trip.
    In-laws can be tricky. The combining of two families who have done things in different ways is a challenge that all couples face.


Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Searcy, AR, U.S.A.

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